Landry Award Recipient and Pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in
Plano Dr. Jack Graham (left), along with Landry Dinner Honorary Co-Chairs
(from left to right) Alicia Landry, Dr. Kenneth Cooper, and Millie Cooper.
The DBU Report is a bi-monthly publication of Dallas Baptist University. DBU Report, 3000 Mountain Creek Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75211-9299.
President-Dr. Gary Cook; Director of Development-John Clem; Editor-Blake Killingsworth. Phone: (214) 333-5168; E-mail: [email protected].
allas Baptist University hosted
the second annual Tom Landry
Leadership Award Dinner on
Monday evening, March 18. The gala
event, with over 500 in
attendance, recognized
the lasting legacy of one
of Dallas’ most famous
citizens, Tom Landry, as
it named Dr. Jack Graham
as the recipient of the
Tom Landry Leadership
As the coach of the ac-
claimed Dallas Cowboys
for 29 years, Tom Landry
and America’s Team”
became the stuff of which
legends are made. Their
success came because
of character and a com-
mitment to excellence.
In Landry’s mind, the
credit for all this success came from
his faith, management strategies, and
leadership style.
Tom Landry’s life epitomized the
most exceptional leadership and char-
acter qualities DBU strives to instill in
its students every day. His faith in God,
devotion to family, and dedication to
integrity and service to
others make Landry a
real role model.
For this reason, the
Tom Landry Leadership
Award Dinner was
inaugurated to ensure
that Landry’s legacy
would live on and serve
as an example to DBU
students and to others
in Collin County. The
Landry Leadership
Award is given to those
individuals who use
their God-given talents
and abilities to excel
in their chosen field
of work, who provide
Ron Harris, chair of the Tom Landry Leadership Award Dinner and DBU
assistant professor of communication, served as the master of ceremonies
for the evening.
Dr. Jack Graham and his wife, Deb
and exhibit exceptional leadership,
who are committed to serving
others in their community, and who
demonstrate integrity in their personal
lives. In addition, the proceeds raised
from the dinner
go to provide
scholarships for
DBU students in
Collin County.
This year Ali-
cia Landry, Dr.
Kenneth Coo-
per, and Millie
Cooper served
as the honorary
co-chairs of the
event, and Ron
Harris served as
the dinner chair-
person. During
the dinner, DBU
alumna and na-
tionally known
speaker and ven-
triloquist Amy
Jones provided
with her friend,
Rusty. In addition, DBU President Dr.
Gary Cook gave a special welcome
from the University and took the occa-
sion to personally thank so many who
had prayed for his recovery from leu-
Landry Leadership Award Recipi-
ent Jack Graham serves as senior pas-
tor of Prestonwood Baptist Church,
one of the nation’s largest, most dy-
namic congregations.
With more than 28,000 members,
Prestonwood continues to grow with
four weekend worship services, a mid-
week service, Bible Fellowship classes
and multiple outreach and community
ministries that reach thousands. Near-
ly two years ago, the church opened
a second location—Prestonwood
North—in a burgeoning area 20 miles
north of Plano. Prestonwood North
currently meets in a high school while
construction continues on a new facil-
ity in Prosper.
Dr. Graham has served two terms
as president of the Southern Baptist
Convention and as president of the
SBC Pastors’ Conference. He contin-
ues to be an active member of SBC
leadership, currently serving on the
SBC Executive Committee.
He is a noted author of numerous
books, including You Can Make a Dif-
ference, Lessons from the Heart, A
Hope and a Future, Life According to
Jesus, and Courageous Parenting, co-
authored by wife,
Deb, and based
on their experi-
ences as parents.
His most recent
book, Are You Fit
for Life?, was re-
leased in January
ministry is also
heard and seen
across the country
and the world on
PowerPoint Min-
istries. Through
broadcasts, on-
line sermons, and
e-mail messages,
he addresses rel-
evant, everyday
issues that are
prevalent in our
culture and that
strike a chord with audiences world-
Dr. Graham was ordained to the
ministry in 1970 and has received
both a Master of Divinity degree and
a Doctor of Ministry degree from
Southwestern Baptist Theological
He and Deb live in Frisco. They
have three children, Jason (married to
Toby), Kelly, and Joshua (married to
Kaytie), and one grandson, Ian James
Dr. Jerry Carlisle (far left), pastor of First Baptist Church of Plano, and his wife, Dedi,
along with Dr. Jim Denison (far right), teaching pastor of Park Cities Baptist Church in
Dallas, and his wife, Janet.
DBU Alumna and Trustee Amy Jones provided
entertainment for the evening with a special appearance
from her friend, Rusty.
Members of the DBU Chorale, under the direction of Dr. Steve Holcomb, performed a special
medley of patriot songs for the evening, ending with a stirring rendition of the song, “Here I Am
Lord,” which describes a willingness to serve the Lord through whatever avenue He may call.
DBU Report