R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
Scarborough College
Mathena Hall 306E
2101 Yates Street
Fort Worth, TX 76115
(817) 923-1921, ext. 5845
Born 11 August 1981, married to Julie (Greene) Loftin, father of Ian Keith Lewis Loftin
University of Aberdeen Aberdeen, Scotland
Ph.D., Philosophical Theology November, 2013
Thesis: “Time and Eternity: A Study of the ‘Accidental Temporalist’ View of God and Time”
Supervisor: Dr. Gerald L. Bray
Examiners: Dr. David Wilkinson (Univ. of Durham) & Rev Dr. Innes Visagie (Highland Theological College)
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Fort Worth, TX
Th.M., Systematic Theology
December 2016
Louisiana State University Baton Rouge, LA
Master of Arts in Philosophy May 2009
University of Dallas Dallas, TX
Master of Humanities
May 2008
Southeastern Bible College Birmingham, Alabama
B.A. in Biblical Studies (with honors) May 2005
Scarborough College & Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
Assistant Dean, Scarborough College, Fall 2016–
Associate Professor of Philosophy & Humanities, Scarborough College and SWBTS, Fall 2017–
Assistant Professor of Philosophy & Humanities, Scarborough College and SWBTS, Fall 2012–Fall 2017
Chair, Department of Philosophy, Fall 2015–Summer 2016
Liberty University
Adjunct Professor, Liberty University, College of General Studies, Fall 2011–Fall 2013
Prestonwood Christian Academy
Instructor in Logic and Worldviews, Prestonwood Christian Academy (Plano, TX), Fall 2010–Spring 2011
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
Southeastern Bible College
Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Apologetics, Southeastern Bible College, Spring 2009–Spring 2010
Apologetics Resource Center
Staff Apologist, Apologetics Resource Center, September 2006–September 2010
Associate Editor for Areopagus Journal, September 2006September 2010
Dallas Theological Seminary
Grader for Theology Department, Dallas Theological Seminary, May 2006–July 2009
Sanctification & Ecclesiology–FA 2006, FA 2007, FA 2008 (2x)
SoteriologyWI 2006
Angelology, Anthropology, and Sin–SU 2006, FA 2008
Eschatology–SP 2007, SU 2009
Introduction to Theology–SU 2007, FA 2008
Probe Ministries
Interning Field Associate, Probe Ministries, Dallas, TX, May 2006–May 2007
I. Books
1. God and Morality: Four Views, ed. R. Keith Loftin. Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2012. Contributions by
Keith Yandell, Mark Linville, Evan Fales, and Michael Ruse.
2. Christian Physicalism? Philosophical Theological Criticisms, eds. R. Keith Loftin and Joshua Farris. Lanham, MD:
Lexington Books, 2017.
3. Work in Christian Perspective: Theological Foundations and Practical Implications, eds. R. Keith Loftin and Trey
Dimsdale. London: SCM Press, 2018.
4. Stand Firm: Apologetics and the Brilliance of the Gospel. Co-authored with Paul Gould and Travis Dickinson).
Broadman & Holman, 2018.
5. Re-kindling an Old Light: Contours of Christshaped Liberal Learning, ed. R. Keith Loftin. Forthcoming.
II. Articles, Chapters, Entries, ETC.
1. “Body and Soul: A Biblical Case for Dualism,” Areopagus Journal 8/6 (Nov.-Dec. 2008): 9-13.
2. “God and Morality: An Introduction,” in God & Morality: Four Views. R. Keith Loftin, ed., Downers Grove, IL:
InterVarsity Press, 2012.
3. “On the Metaphysics of Time and Divine Eternality, Philosophia Christi 17/1 (2015): 97-107.
4. “God’s Existence, part 1,” “God’s Existence, part 2,” “The Resurrection of Jesus,” and “Miracles of the Bible,”
in Making Disciples, ed. Richard Ross. Available at http://disciple6.com.
5. “Leibniz, Gottfried” (500 words), in Dictionary of Christianity and Science, General Editors: Paul Copan, Tremper
Longman III, Christopher L. Reese, Michael Strauss (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan, 2017).
6. “A Barthian Critique of the Covenant of Redemption, Trinity Journal of Theology 38 NS (2017): 203–222.
7. “Christian Physicalism? An Introduction” (with Joshua Farris), in Christian Physicalism? Philosophical Theological
Criticisms, ed. R. Keith Loftin and Joshua Farris. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
8. “Physicalism, Divine Eternality, and Life Everlasting” (with Ryan Mullins), in Christian Physicalism? Philosophical
Theological Criticisms, ed. R. Keith Loftin and Joshua Farris. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2017.
9. “Work in Christian Perspective” (with Trey Dimsdale), in Work in Christian Perspective: Theological Foundations and
Practical Implications, ed. R. Keith Loftin and Trey Dimsdale. London: SCM Press, 2018.
10. “Souls and Christian Eschatology: A Critique of Christian Physicalism,” Southwestern Journal of Theology 60/2
(Spring 2018): 195209.
11. “But Who Created the Creator?” Christian Research Journal vol. 41, no. 5 (2018): 8–9, 53.
12. “Is Theology Losing Its Soul?” Didaktikos vol. 3, no. 2 (July 2019): 4445.
13. “William Lane Craig,” in A Legacy of Apologetics: Historical and Theological Introductions, ed. Benjamin K. Forrest.
Zondervan, (forthcoming, 2019).
14. “Stuart C. Hackett,” in Dictionary of Christian Apologists and Their Critics, eds. R. Douglas Geivett and Robert B.
Stewart. New York: Wiley–Blackwell (forthcoming, 2019).
15. “Materialism, (1000 words), forthcoming in Baker Dictionary of Cults, ed. H. Wayne House. Oregon: Baker Books.
16. “Theism,” (300 words), forthcoming in Baker Dictionary of Cults, ed. H. Wayne House. Oregon: Baker Books.
17. “Michael the Archangel,” (300 words), forthcoming in Baker Dictionary of Cults, ed. H. Wayne House. Oregon:
Baker Books.
III. Reviews
1. Will the Real Jesus Please Stand Up? A Debate Between William Lane Craig and John Dominic Crossan, ed. by Paul
Copan (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 1998). Areopagus Journal 5/4 (July-Aug. 2005): 30-31.
2. Studying the Historical Jesus: A Guide To Sources and Methods, by Darrell Bock (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2002).
Areopagus Journal 6/1 (Jan.-Feb. 2006): 29-30.
3. Love Your God With all Your Mind: The Role of Reason in the Life of the Soul, by J. P. Moreland (Colorado Springs,
CO: NavPress, 1997). Areopagus Journal 6/2 (Mar.-Apr. 2006): 30-31.
4. The Books the Church Suppressed: Fiction and Truth in The Da Vinci Code, by Michael Green (Oxford: Monarch
Books, 2005). Areopagus Journal 6/5 (Sep.-Oct. 2006): 30-31.
5. Reasonable Faith: Christian Truth and Apologetics, rev. ed., by William Lane Craig (Wheaton, IL: Crossway Books,
1994). Areopagus Journal 7/1 (Jan.-Feb. 2007): 31-32.
6. C. S. Lewis’s Dangerous Idea, by Victor Reppert (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2003). Christian Scholars
Review 37:3 (Spring 2008): 389-391.
7. Putting Jesus in His Place: the Case for the Deity of Christ, by Robert Bowman, Jr. and J. Ed Komoszewski (Grand
Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2007). Areopagus Journal 8/1 (Jan.-Feb. 2008): 41-42.
8. Why Good Arguments Often Fail, by James Sire (Downers Grove, IL: IVP, 2006). Areopagus Journal 8/2 (March-
April 2008): 41-42.
9. Intelligent Design 101: Leading Experts Explain the Key Issues, ed. by H. Wayne House (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel,
2008). Areopagus Journal 8/3 (May-June 2008): 42-43.
10. When God Goes to Starbucks, by Paul Copan (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Books, 2008). Areopagus Journal 8/4 (July-
August 2008): 40-41.
11. Welcome to College: A Christ-follower’s Guide for the Journey, by Jonathan Morrow (Grand Rapids, MI: Kregel, 2008).
Areopagus Journal 8/5 (Sep.-Oct. 2008): 35-36.
12. The Dawkins Delusion, by Alister McGrath (Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2007). Journal of the
International Society of Christian Apologetics 2/1 (2009): 136-139.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
13. The Big Questions, by Jonathan Hill (Oxford: Lion, 2007). Areopagus Journal 9/2 (March-April 2009): 37-38.
14. Tactics: A Game Plan for Discussing Your Christian Convictions, by Gregory Koukl (Grand Rapids, MI: Zondervan,
2009). Areopagus Journal 9/2 (March-April 2009): 41-42.
15. A Reasonable God: Engaging the New Face of Atheism, by Gregory Ganssle (Waco, TX: Baylor University Press,
2009). Areopagus Journal 10/1 (Jan.-Feb. 2010): 37-38.
16. Naturalism, by Stewart Goetz and Charles Taliaferro (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2008). Heythrop Journal 52/2
(March 2011): 305-306.
17. Is the Bible True…Really?, by Josh McDowell and Dave Sterrett (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2011). Areopagus
Journal 12/2 (2012): 40-41.
18. God the Trinity: Biblical Portraits, by Malcolm B. Yarnell III (Nashville: B&H Academic, 2016). Journal of Biblical and
Theological Studies 2/1 (2017): 92-94.
19. (co-review with Ms. Jennifer Ulrich). Why Christian Faith Still Makes Sense, by C. Stephen Evans (Grand Rapids,
MI: Baker Academic, 2015). Southwestern Journal of Theology 59/2 (2017): 259–261.
20. Defending Substitution: An Essay on Atonement in Paul, by Simon Gathercole (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic,
2015). Southwestern Journal of Theology 60/1 (2017): 92–93.
21. The End of the Timeless God, by R.T. Mullins (New York: Oxford University Press, 2016). Southwestern Journal of
Theology 60/2 (2018): 259–260.
22. C.S. Lewis’s Mere Christianity: A Biography, by George M. Marsden (Princeton: Princeton University Press,
2016). Southwestern Journal of Theology (2018): 258–259.
23. God and Time, by Natalja Deng (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2019). Forthcoming in Philosophia Christi.
24. Deeper Magic: The Theology Behind the Writings of C.S. Lewis, by Donald T. Williams (Baltimore, MD: Square Halo
Books, 2016). Forthcoming in Southwestern Journal of Theology.
I. Professional
1. “J. P. Moreland’s Substance Dualism and the Argument from Token-Reflexive Indexicals.” Dallas Socratic
Society (Dallas, TX), 13 March 2006.
2. “Van Inwagen’s (Modal) ‘Consequence Argument’ and the Incompatibility of Freedom and Determinism.”
Dallas Socratic Society (Dallas, TX), 09 October 2006.
3. “John Stuart Mill’s Utilitarianism.” Invited lecture at Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 19 October 2006.
4. “The Building Blocks of Logic.” Invited lecture at Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 27 February 2007.
5. “Using the Rules of Inference.” Invited lecture at Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 1 March 2007.
6. “Using Sentential Logic.” Invited lecture at Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 6 March 2007.
7. “Logical Fallacies.” Invited lecture at Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 8 March 2007.
8. “The Self-refuting Nature of Darwinism.” Louisiana State University Philosophy Conference (Baton Rouge,
LA), 11 April 2008.
9. “The Resurrection of Jesus: Historical Evidence.” McNeese State University (Lake Charles, LA), 12 April 2008.
10. “Evolutionary Naturalism’s Self-Referential Incoherence.” Dallas Socratic Society (Dallas, TX), 09 June 2008.
11. “The Metaethical Alchemy of Michael Martin.” Philosophy Club Colloquium Series, Louisiana State University
(Baton Rouge, LA), 11 November 2008.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
12. “Truth and Religious Pluralism.” Defending the Faith in the 21st Century conference, Southeastern Bible
College (Birmingham, AL), 30 January 2009.
13. “Is the Mind Just the Brain? Responding to Mind-Body Materialism.” Defending the Faith in the 21st Century
Conference, Southeastern Bible College (Birmingham, AL), 31 January 2009.
14. “The Metaethical Alchemy of Michael Martin.” Southeastern Scholastic Society, Southeastern Bible College
(Birmingham, AL), 21 March 2009.
15. “If God Knows the Future, Can I be Free?” Second Annual Defending the Faith in the 21
Conference, Southeastern Bible College (Birmingham, AL), 30 January 2010.
16. “Aquinas and Duns Scotus on the Nature of Time and Eternity.” Southeast Regional Evangelical Philosophical
Society Meeting, North Greenville University (Greer, SC), 19 March 2010.
17. “Augustine’s View of God, Time, and Eternity in The Confessions.” Invited lecture at Southeastern Bible College
(Birmingham, AL), 30 March 2010.
18. “Should the ‘Accidental Temporalist’ View of God and Time be Peremptorily Rejected?” Dallas Socratic Society
(Dallas, TX), 11 October 2010.
19. “Euthyphro, God, and Moral Ontology.” North Central Texas College (Corinth, TX), 1 December 2010.
20. “Is ‘Timeless Sans Creation, Temporal Subsequent to Creation’ Incoherent?” Southeast Regional Evangelical
Philosophical Society Meeting (Atlanta, GA), 25 March 2011.
21. “Is ‘Timeless Sans Creation, Temporal Subsequent to Creation’ Incoherent?” Paideia Conference, Dallas Baptist
University (Dallas, TX), 2 April 2011.
22. “Plotting the Religious Landscape of America.” Concordia University (Garland, TX), 21 July 2011.
23. “The Moral Logic for God.” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas, TX), 08 September 2011, sponsored by
University of Texas-Dallas Reasonable Faith chapter.
24. “A Sober Assessment of Richard Dawkins’s Case Against God’s Existence.” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas,
TX), 27 October 2011, sponsored by UT-D Reasonable Faith chapter.
25. “Evolutionary Naturalism’s Self-Referential Incoherence.” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas, TX), 03
November 2011, sponsored by University of Texas-Dallas Reasonable Faith chapter.
26. “How to Think About David Hume’s ‘Of Miracles.’” Tarrant County College (Arlington, TX), 14 November 2011.
27. “On the Reliability of Scripture.” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas, TX), 19 January 2012, sponsored by
University of Texas-Dallas Reasonable Faith chapter.
28. “Does the Existence of Evil Disprove God?” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas, TX), 1 March 2012, sponsored
by University of Texas-Dallas Reasonable Faith chapter.
29. “Divine Eternity and the Pre-existence of Christ.” Southwest Regional Evangelical Philosophical Society
Meeting, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 9 March 2012.
30. “Divine Eternity and the Pre-existence of Christ.” Highland Theological College (Dingwall, Scotland),
presentation delivered remotely via internet, 22 March 2012.
31. “Divine Eternity and Creation Ex Nihilo.” Southeast Regional Evangelical Philosophical Society Meeting,
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forrest, NC), 23 March 2012.
32. “Divine Eternity and Creation Ex Nihilo.” Paideia Conference, Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 24 March
33. “How to Think About David Hume’s ‘Of Miracles.’” Tarrant County College (Arlington, TX), 11 April 2012.
34. “Of Milquetoast and Sledgehammers: What Is The Aim Of Apologetics?” Dallas Baptist University (Dallas,
TX), 29 November 2012, sponsored by Ratio Christi.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
35. “Of Milquetoast and Sledgehammers: What Is The Aim Of Apologetics?” Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 15 February 2013, sponsored by Southwestern Apologetics Group.
36. “On Four Views of God and Morality.” Paideia Conference, Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 02 March 2013.
37. “Of Milquetoast and Sledgehammers: What is the Aim of Apologetics?” Southeast Regional Evangelical
Philosophical Society Meeting, Anderson University (Anderson, SC), 22 March 2013.
38. “Of Milquetoast and Sledgehammers: What is the Aim of Apologetics?” Friday Symposium, Dallas Baptist
University (Dallas, TX), 25 October 2013.
39. “On the Metaphysics of Time and Divine Eternity.” Southeast Regional Evangelical Philosophical Society
Meeting, Beeson Divinity School (Birmingham, AL), 21 March 2014.
40. “God and Suffering.” Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX), 9 September 2014, sponsored by Campus
Crusade for Christ.
41. “Two Arguments for God’s Existence.” Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX), 30 September 2014,
sponsored by Campus Crusade for Christ.
42. “Tough Questions for Christians.” Texas Christian University (Fort Worth, TX), 7 October 2014, sponsored by
Campus Crusade for Christ.
43. “The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), 5 January 2015.
44. “Moral Evidence for God.” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), 5 January 2015.
45. “Christianity and Mind/Body Dualism.” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), 6
January 2015.
46. “God’s Knowledge by Acquaintance and Divine Eternality” (with Travis Dickinson). National meeting of
Evangelical Philosophical Society (Atlanta, GA), 17 November 2015.
47. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), 04 January 2016.
48. “How To Think About David Hume’s Argument Against Miracles.” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
(New Orleans, LA), 5 January 2016.
49. “Does Science Disprove Miracles?” New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA), 5 January 2016.
50. “The Pernicious Sacred/Secular Divide.” Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 24
February 2016.
51. “A Barthian Critique of the Covenant of Redemption.” Southeast Regional Evangelical Theological Society
Meeting, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 01April 2017.
52. Participant. The Christian Tradition and Changing Views of the State (invitation only). Acton Institute
Colloquium at American Bible Society (Philadelphia, PA), 14–15 September 2017.
53. Session moderator, national meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (Providence, RI), 15 November 2017.
54. “Happiness & Suffering: A Philosophical-Theological Perspective on Healing.” First Annual North Texas
Literature & Language Symposium, Scarborough College (Fort Worth, TX), 13 January 2018.
55. Session moderator, national meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (Denver, CO), 14 November 2018.
56. Some Thoughts on ‘Christian’ Physicalism” (with Joshua R. Farris), 2019 Mountain–Pacific Meeting of the
Society of Christian Philosophers, The College of Southern Nevada (Las Vegas, NV) 6 April 2019.
*this conference was organized around two books: my co–edited book
Christian Physicalism?
Joshua R. Farris) and The Blackwell Companion to Substance Dualism.
57. Session moderator, national meeting of the Evangelical Philosophical Society (San Diego, CA), 21 November 2019.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
II. Popular
58. “Understanding Worldviews.” Apologetic staff training for Camp Pearl Ministries (Reeves, LA), 22 January 2008.
59. “Basics of Defending the Faith” and “Offensive Apologetics.” Apologetic staff training for Camp Pearl
Ministries (Reeves, LA), 25 February 2008.
60. “Jesus’ Resurrection: An Apologetic.” Apologetic training for college students at Lake Charles Bible Church
(Lake Charles, LA), 23 March 2008.
61. “Getting out of Intellectual Neutral.” Lake Charles Bible Church (Lake Charles, LA), 27 April 2008.
62. “Are There Really ‘Millions of Paths’ to God?” Faith Bible Church (Houston, TX), 25 June 2008.
63. “What to Say to Mormons When They Knock on Your Door.” Dry Creek Bible Church (Dry Creek, LA), 6 July 2008.
64. “Loving God with all Your Mind.” Iglesia Bautista de Gracia (Lima, Peru), 20 July 2008 (morning).
65. “The Role of Scripture in Spiritual Development.” Iglesia Bautista de Gracia (Lima, Peru), 20 July 2008 (evening).
66. Apologetic series on Mormonism and Christianity at El Buen Pastor (Lima, Peru), 21 July—22 July 2008.
a. “Is Mormonism Christianity?” and “Is the Book of Mormon God’s Word?” 21 July 2008.
b. The Impossible God of Mormonism” and “Mormon vs. Christian Christology.” 22 July 2008.
c. “Q & A on Mormonism.” Evening of 22 July 2008.
67. “Apologetics in the Modern World.” Pastors’ conference at Iglesia Biblica Bautista Nuevo Amanecer (Lima,
Peru), 21 July 2008.
68. “The Historicity of the Resurrection of Jesus.” Pastors’ conference at Iglesia Biblica Bautista Nuevo Amanecer
(Lima, Peru), 22 July 2008.
69. “Christian Theism and Pantheism: Worldviews in Conflict, part 1.” Public lecture given at Iglesia Bautista de
Gracia (Lima, Peru), 23 July 2008.
70. “Christian Theism and Pantheism: Worldviews in Conflict, part 2.” Public lecture given at Iglesia Bautista de
Gracia (Lima, Peru), 24 July 2008.
71. “The Kalām Cosmological Argument.” Lake Charles Bible Church (Lake Charles, LA), 30 November 2008.
72. “Apologetics and Christ’s Resurrection.” Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), 11 January 2009.
73. “Christianity and the Mind/Body Problem. Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), 19 April 2009.
74. “Introducing the Mind/Body Problem.” Invited lecture at Shades Mountain Christian School (Birmingham,
AL), 28 April 2009 (given again on 05 May 2009).
75. “Dealing with Doubt.” Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), 06 May 2009.
76. “Getting out of Intellectual Neutral.” Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), 10 June 2009.
77. “God’s Roadmap for History: the Story of Redemption.” One-week long class taught at Camp Pearl (Reeves,
LA), 30 June—3 July 2009.
78. “Apologetics: What’s It All About?” Series presented at Camp Pearl (Reeves, LA), 30 June—3 July 2009.
79. “Apologetic Q & A” and “Basics of Defending the Faith.” Two-night apologetics series at First Baptist Church
Hoover (Hoover, AL), 14-15 August 2009.
80. Featured speaker for apologetics weekend at Grace Bible Church (Columbia, MO), 18-19 September 2009
(various topics).
81. “Basics of Defending the Faith.” Eastminster Presbyterian Church (Trussville, AL), 23 September 2009.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
82. “Responding to Religious Pluralism.” Vestavia Hills First United Methodist Church (Vestavia Hills, AL), 29
November 2009.
83. “The Historical Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection.” Coffee Table Theology, event hosted by Safe Harbor Church
(Alabaster, AL), 8 January 2010.
84. “Responding to Religious Pluralism.” Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), 24 January 2010.
85. “Does the Universe Indicate God’s Existence?” Coffee Table Theology, event hosted by Safe Harbor Church
(Alabaster, AL), 8 April 2010.
86. “Basics of Defending the Faith.” Willowbend Church (Plano, TX), 27 February 2011.
87. “Defending the Resurrection.” Willowbend Church (Plano, TX), 06 March 2011.
88. “Truth and Religious Pluralism.” Willowbend Church (Plano, TX), 19 June 2011.
89. “God, Morality, and the Atheist Bus Campaign.” Willowbend Church (Plano, TX), 25 June 2011.
90. “Hard Questions, Real Answers.” Handley Baptist Church (Fort Worth, TX), 23 January 2013.
91. “Youth Lab 2013” conference at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 0506 April 2013.
a. “The Lion’s Den: Q & A Panel.” 05 April 2013.
b. Contending for the Faith.” 05 April 2013.
c. “Evidence for the Resurrection.” 06 April 2013.
d. “Apologetics Q & A.” 06 April 2013.
92. “Love God with all Your Mind.” Weekend seminar at Camp Pearl Ministries (Reeves, LA), 19-20 April 2013.
a. “Loving God with all Your Mind: the Mandate.” 19 April 2013.
b. Loving God with all Your Mind: the Problem.” 20 April 2013.
c. “Loving God with all Your Mind: the Solution.” 20 April 2013.
93. “Stump a Christian: Apologetic Q & A.” University of Texas-Dallas (Dallas, TX), 15 November 2013,
sponsored by UT-D Reasonable Faith chapter.
94. “Apologetics Panel Discussion” (with Dr. Travis Dickinson and Dr. Doug Blount), First Baptist Church
(Burleson, TX), 16 November 2013.
95. “Apologetics Panel Discussion” (with Dr. Paul Gould and Dr. Mike Keas), Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 28 March 2014.
96. “The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” Stand Firm Conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort
Worth, TX), 12 April 2014.
97. “John 16:5-15: The Person and (some) Work of the Holy Spirit.” Broadview Baptist Church (Abilene, TX), 9 June 2014.
98. “John 16:5-15: The Person and (some) Work of the Holy Spirit.” First Baptist Church (Burleson, TX), 6 July
2014 (three services).
99. “John 16:5-15: The Person and (some) Work of the Holy Spirit.” Heritage Home Retirement Community
(Crowley, TX), 13 July 2014.
100. “The Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” and “Does Evil Disprove God?” First Baptist Church Ardmore
(Ardmore, OK), 24 August 2014.
101. “Does the Universe Indicate God’s Existence,” “Science and Miracles,” and “The Resurrection: Fact or
Fiction.” Church at the Crossing (Aledo, TX), 3-4 October 2014.
102. “John 16:5-15: The Person and (some) Work of the Holy Spirit.” Ames Boulevard Baptist Church (New
Orleans, LA), 4 January 2015.
103. “Moral Evidence for God” and “Apologetics Q & A Panel Discussion.” Stand Firm Conference, Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 20 March 2015.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
104. “Lion’s Den: Q & A Panel” and “The Reason for God and the Case for Faith.” Youth Ministry Lab,
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 10-11 April 2015.
105. “The Trinity in Theological Perspective.” Camp Pearl Ministries (Reeves, LA), 1 May 2015.
106. “The Incarnation in Theological Perspective” and “Theological Q & A.” Camp Pearl Ministries (Reeves, LA), 2
May 2015.
107.“Ephesians 4:1-16: Serving Builds the Church.” First Baptist Church (Burleson, TX), 23 August 2015 (three services).
108.“Ephesians 4:1-16: Serving Builds the Church.” First Baptist Church Westwego (New Orleans, LA), 03 January 2016.
109. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” The Agora Initiative (Fort Worth, TX), 20 January 2016.
110. “Does Science Disprove Miracles?” The Agora Initiative (Fort Worth, TX), 27 January 2016.
111. “Evidence for Jesus’ Resurrection.” Youth Ministry Lab, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort
Worth, TX), 02 April 2016.
112. “The Pernicious Sacred/Secular Divide.” University of Texas-Arlington (Arlington, TX), 08 April 2016,
sponsored by Baptist Student Ministry.
113. “Miracles and Modern Science.” Stand Firm Conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort
Worth, TX), 15 April 2016.
114. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 11 October 2016, sponsored by
Ratio Christi.
115. “Ephesians 4:1-16—Serving the Church.” Chapel, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth,
TX), 26 January 2017.
116. “Union with Christ and Its Implication.” Paradox Church (Fort Worth, TX), 28 February 2017.
117. “God and the Reasonableness of Flourishing.” Stand Firm Conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological
Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 04 March 2017.
118. “God and the Reasonableness of Flourishing.Southwestern Apologetics Group, Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 21 March 2017.
119. “The Reasonableness of the Trinity.” Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 04 April 2017, sponsored by Ratio Christi.
120. “Is the Mind just the Brain?” Youth Ministry Lab 2017, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort
Worth, TX), 08 April 2017.
121.“Education in Plato: Republic, book 7.” Pre-enrollment day, Scarborough College (Fort Worth, TX), 09 June 2017.
122. “God and the Reasonableness of Flourishing.Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 16 October 2017,
sponsored by Ratio Christi.
123. Elkridge Baptist Church College Ministry Retreat. Heart of Texas Baptist Encampment (Brownwood, TX), 03
04 November 2017.
a. “The Pernicious Sacred/Secular Divide”
b. Does the Universe Indicate God’s Existence?’
c. “Moral Evidence for God”
d. “Does Science Disprove Miracles?”
e. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?”
124. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” University of Texas-Arlington (Arlington, TX), 26 January 2018,
sponsored by Baptist Student Ministry.
125. “How Did We Get the Bible?” Emmanuel Church (Weatherford, TX), 28 January 2018.
126. “The Trinity in Theological Perspective.” Emmanuel Church (Weatherford, TX), 18 March 2018.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
127. “Why Christian Physicalism is a Bad Idea.” Stand Firm conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
(Fort Worth, TX), 23 March 2018.
128. “But Who Made God?” Dallas Baptist University (Dallas, TX), 03 December 2018, sponsored by Ratio Christi.
129. “Stand Firm” Apologetics conference at Broadview Baptist Church (Abilene, TX), 11–13 January 2019.
a. “God and the Reasonableness of Flourishing”
b. The Existence of God”
c. “Who Made God?”
d. Apologetics Panel with Travis Dickinson and Paul Gould
e. “Jesus’s Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?”
f. “The Historical Case for Jesus’s Resurrection”
130. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” University of Texas-Arlington (Arlington, TX), 15 February 2019,
sponsored by Baptist Student Ministry.
131. (with J.P. Moreland) “Why is Apologetics Important?” and “Apologetics Q&A.” Kaimuki Christian School
(Honolulu, HI), 08 March 2019.
132. “Jesus’ Resurrection: Fact or Fiction?” Waialae Baptist Church (Honolulu, HI), 09 March 2019.
133. “Ephesians 4:1-16: Serving Builds the Church.” Waialae Baptist Church (Honolulu, HI), 10 March 2019.
134. “Who Made God?” Stand Firm Conference, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 23
March 2019.
135. “Why Think the Bible is Reliable?Youth Ministry Lab, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort
Worth, TX), 30 March 2019.
136. “What is Christ-Shaped Liberal Learning?” Doctoral colloquium, School of Church Music, Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 1 April 2019.
Introduction to Philosophy Sum’09, Sp’10
Metaphysics Sp’15, F’19
Meaning, Vocation, Flourishing Seminar F’19
Philosophy of Religion F’17, Sp’19
Ethics Sp’16
Logic I F’17, F’18, F’19
Logic II Sp’18, Sp’19
Political Philosophy F’13, F’13
, F’16, F’18
Epistemology Sum’18
The Philosophy of C. S. Lewis Sp’09, Sp’10, Sum’16
Anthropology/Phil of Mind F’12, Sp’14
History of Philosophy F’12, F’13, Sp’14
F’14, F’15, Sp’17
, Sum’17
Philosophy in 19th Century British Literature Sum’16
, Sum’19
Philosophy in 19th Century American Literature Sum’17
Introduction to Christian Apologetics F’09, Sp’13, Sp’17
Contemporary Worldviews W’15
, F’16
Early Western Civilization Seminar F’15 (2x), F’17
Church & Empires Seminar F’12, Sp’14 (2x), Sp’16
Late Antiquity Seminar Sp’18 (2x)
Enlightenment Seminar Sp’13 (2x), Sp’15
The 19th Century Seminar Sum’15
, F’18
Early 20th Century Seminar F’12
, Sp’13, Sum’13
, F’14, F’16, F’18
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
Late 20th Century Seminar F’13, Sp’15, Sp’17, Sp’19
The 19th Century F’12
, Sum’13, Sp’15
Systematic Theology I Sum’14, F’14, F’14
, F’15, F’17, Sp’19
Systematic Theology II Sp’14
, Sum’14, Sp’15, Sp’16, F’16, Sp’18
Systematic Theology III Sp’17, F’18
Focused Study on Theological Issues: Trinity F’13
, Sp’16
God, Time, and Foreknowledge Sp’17
Advanced Study of Theological Systems Sp’15
Theology of Faith, Work, & Flourishing Sum’17
Contemporary Issues in American Culture W’13
, W’15
American Religious Movements W’17
Philosophy of Religion F’13, Sp’14, Sp’14*, F’14, Sp’15*, Sum’17
Ethics Sp’16
Metaphysics Sp’19
Philosophy Reading Seminar F’14
, Sp’16, Sp’17, Sum’17, F’17, Sp’18, F’19
Cultural Engagement (D. Min. cohort) Sum’14 – Sp’15
God, Time, and Eternity F’16, F’19
* denotes online course
denotes conference course/independent study
denotes co-taught course
Second reader, M.A. Theology thesis, F’13
Comprehensive Exams Committee Member
F’18, Sp’19
Dissertation Prospectus Committee Member
F’13a. “God and Fruitless Evil”
F’13b. “Theories of Truth in Evangelical Apologetics”
Sp’14. Angelic Assumptions of the Body in Thomas Aquinas and Scripture”
Sp16. “Christianity and Methodological Naturalism”
F’17. Divine Love
Doctoral: Dissertation Supervision
Sp’15. “God and Fruitless Evil: A Holistic Response to the Problem of Evil.”
Evangelical Philosophical Society, 2005–present.
National Executive Committee, 2016present.
Chairman, Southeast Region, 2012–2015.
Vice-Chairman/Program Director, Southeast Region, 2009–2012.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
Society of Christian Philosophers, 2005–2012.
Evangelical Theological Society, 2003–2009.
Dallas Socratic Society, 20052015.
Philosophy of Time Society, 2006–present.
LSU Graduate School Travel Grant to present research, $250 (SU 2008)
Half-tuition scholarship, Braniff Graduate School, University of Dallas
UHI Travel Grant to present research, $200 (March 2012)
Kern Fellowship to attend Acton University conference, $500 (June 2013)
Acton Institute Travel Grant, $300 plus lodging (June 2013)
Kern Fellowship to attend Acton University conference, $500 (June 2014)
Acton Institute Travel Grant (June 2014)
Invited Participant, Summer Institute, Land Center for Cultural Engagement, SWBTS (May 2015)
Named 2016 Outstanding Professor, Scarborough College (by student vote)
Land Center for Cultural Engagement Grant for course development, $1,000 (December 2016)
Oikonomia Fellowship to attend Acton University conference, $1,700 (June 2017)
Acton Academic Colloquium: The Christian Tradition and Changing View of the State, $850 (Sep. 2017)
Oikonomia Fellowship to attend Acton University conference, $1,700 (June 2018)
Acton Institute Mini-Grant on Free Market Economics, $7,500 (December 2018)
Acton Grant for Student Colloquium, $6,400 (January 2019)
Acton Grant for Scarborough College Faculty Colloquium, $9,500 (January 2019)
Philosophy of Religion Philosophy of Mind
Philosophical & Systematic Theology History of Philosophy
Metaphysics Metaethics
Christian Apologetics History of Ideas
o Organized Louisiana State University graduate philosophy conference, held 11-12 April 2008.
o Organized and moderated “Does God Exist?” debate between Dr. Robert Sloan Lee and Dr. Keith Korcz at
the University of Louisiana-Lafayette, 16 October 2008.
o Organized (with Steven B. Cowan) “Does God Exist?” debate between Dr. Doug Geivett and Dr. Bruce
Russell at Southeastern Bible College, 30 January 2010.
o Led weekly mentor group at the invitation of SEBC’s Student Life Office, Spring 2010
o Organized (with Justin Barnard) 2010 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at
North Greenville University (Greer, SC), 19-20 March 2010.
o Organized (with Justin Barnard) 2011 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at
Luther Rice Seminary (Atlanta, GA), 25-26 March 2011.
o Organized (with Justin Barnard) 2012 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at
Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary (Wake Forrest, NC), 23-24 March 2012.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
o Organized (with Dave Reiter) 2013 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at
Anderson University (Anderson, SC), 22-23 March 2013.
o Organized (with Dave Reiter) 2014 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at Beeson
Divinity School (Birmingham, AL), 21-22 March 2014.
o Participated as a judge for Cambridge School of Dallas’s “2014 Philosophy Essay Competition” (Dallas, TX),
10 April 2014.
o Organized (with Travis Dickinson) 2014 Stand Firm apologetics conference at Southwestern Baptist
Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 11-12 April 2014.
o Organized (with Travis Dickinson and Paul Gould) 2015 Stand Firm apologetics conference at Southwestern
Baptist Theological Seminary (Fort Worth, TX), 20-21 March 2015.
o Participated in Association of Theological Schools focus group assessing faculty development in theological
education, held at Dallas Theological Seminary (Dallas, TX), 27 April 2015.
o Organized (with Dave Reiter) 2015 South East regional Evangelical Philosophical Society conference at Luther
Rice Seminary (Atlanta, GA).
o Co-Program Chair (with Paul Gould) of 2017 National Evangelical Philosophical Society conference
(Providence, RI).
o Co-Program Chair (with Paul Gould) of 2018 National Evangelical Philosophical Society conference (Denver, CO).
o Monograph referee, Cambridge University Press (2018).
o Article referee for Philosophia Christi (2018).
o Co-Program Chair (with Paul Gould) of 2019 National Evangelical Philosophical Society conference (San
Diego, CA).
o Chair, B.A. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’13
o Chair, B.A. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’14
o Member, ad hoc committee on revising Scarborough College reading list, Sp’14 – Sp’16
o Member, E.S.L. Task Force, Scarborough College, F’14—F’15
o Member, committee conducting exit interviews for M.T.S. graduates, SWBTS School of Theology, Sp’15.
o Represented SWBTS at national SBC (Columbus, OH), 16-17 June 2015.
o Chair, B.A. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’15
o Chair, B.S. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’15
o Organizer, GREAT IDEAS 2016 conference, Scarborough College, 24-25 February 2015
o Chair, B.A. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’16
o Chair, B.S. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’16
o Organizer, GREAT IDEAS 2017 conference, Scarborough College, 24-25 February 2017
o Chair, B.A.H.B.S. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’17
o Taught on the SWBTS Oxford Study Tour, SU’17
o Organizer, GREAT IDEAS 2018 conference, Scarborough College, 23-24 February 2018
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
o Chair, B.A.H.B.S. Assessment Committee, Scarborough College, Sum’18
o Organized Scarborough College faculty development colloquium on Hayek’s The Road to Serfdom (09 Jan. 2019)
o Organized “Islamism, the International State System, and the Christian West” student colloquium at
Scarborough College (15–16 Jan. 2019)
o Led (with Dr. Stephen Mizell) semester-long reading group for 18 Scarborough College undergrads, Sp’19.
o Organizer, GREAT IDEAS 2019 conference, Scarborough College, 22-23 February 2019
Led weekly book discussion group for Lake Charles, LA, area Christian businessmen from January 2008–
August 2008.
Taught College and Career Sunday School class at Lake Charles Bible Church (Lake Charles, LA), June 2008–
December 2008.
Taught College and Career Sunday School class at Chelsea Bible Church, (Birmingham, AL) May 2009–
December 2009.
Taught Adult Sunday School class at Chelsea Bible Church (Birmingham, AL), January 2010–February 2010.
Featured on “Church for Skeptics” television program:
“Are We More than Our Bodies?” originally aired 15 November 2009.
“C. S. Lewis’s ‘Dangerous Idea’.” originally aired 22 November 2009.
“Does Evil Disprove God?” originally aired 20 November 2010.
Taught (with Dr. William Abraham) “Exploring C. S. Lewis” at Highland Park United Methodist Church
(Dallas, TX), January 24–April 3, 2012.
Taught Adult Sunday School class at Willowbend Church (Plano, TX), February 2012–September 2012.
Interviewed for “Encounter” radio program (St. Louis, MO), hosted by David Vaughan, 18 February 2014.
Taught Adult Sunday School class at First Baptist Church (Burleson, TX), September 2013–April 2017.
Interviewed on “Help Me Believe” podcast, 23 March 2019. https://tinyurl.com/yympuavz.
Interviewed on “Collective Knowledgepodcast, 22 April 2019. https://tinyurl.com/yy28s4r3.
R. Keith Loftin
Curriculum Vitae
J.P. Moreland, PhD Gerald L. Bray, D.Litt.
Distinguished Professor of Philosophy Research Professor of Divinity
Talbot School of Theology Beeson Divinity School
Biola University Samford University
13800 Biola Avenue 800 Lakeshore Drive
La Mirada, CA 90639 Birmingham, AL 35229
William Lane Craig, PhD, D.Theol. Steven B. Cowan, PhD
Research Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Philosophy
Talbot School of Theology Lincoln Memorial University
Houston Baptist University 6965 Cumberland Gap Parkway
[email protected]et Harrogate, TN 37752
www.reasonablefaith.org steven.cowan@lmunet.edu
Edward Henderson, PhD (ret.) Travis Dickinson, PhD
Professor of Philosophy Associate Professor of Philosophy and
Louisiana State University Christian Apologetics
105 Coates Hall Scarborough College
Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
[email protected] 2001 W. Seminary Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76115
Malcolm B. Yarnell, PhD Angus Menuge, PhD
Research Professor of Theology Professor of Philosophy
Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary Concordia University Wisconsin
2001 W. Seminary Drive 12800 N. Lake Shore Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76115 Mequon, WI 53097
[email protected] angus.menuge@cuw.edu
William J. Abraham, PhD Michael Wilkinson, PhD
Albert Cook Outler Professor of Theology and Wesley Studies Dean and Associate Professor of Theology
Perkins School of Theology Scarborough College
Southern Methodist University Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
5915 Bishop Boulevard 2001 W. Seminary Drive
Dallas, TX 75275 Fort Worth, TX 76115