On June 17, 2019, Planned
Parenthood California Central
Coast launched Gender Afrming
Care (GAC) at all ve of our health
centers. The implementation of
this new service was the result of
several years of research, planning
and training.
In partnership with Fielding
Graduate University, we conducted
an LGBTQ+ Community Needs
and Assets Assessment in Santa
Barbara and Ventura Counties. We
surveyed LGBTQ+ individuals about
their health concerns and their ability
to access the care they needed.
Following the assessment, we met
with our LGBTQ+ coalition partners,
including clinics already offering
GAC, to inform them about what
services we would be providing and
to establish a referral network for
other services our patients might
need. Our medical team, led by
PPCCC medical director,
Dr. Virginia Siegfried, spent several
months training medical staff for
the implementation of GAC, and all
staff at PPCCC received information
about the important and sensitive
issues around GAC.
Survey participants in the
Community Needs and Assets
Assessment expressed a desire
to receive gender afrming
health care from knowledgeable
and compassionate clinicians.
Transgender individuals shared that
during a health care visit, they often
encountered implied or blatant
bias on the part of the health care
professional as well as a lack of
expertise in delivering transgender
care. The cost for care was also
mentioned as a barrier to getting the
care they needed.
With these
concerns in
mind, PPCCC
recruited, hired
and trained a
GAC navigator.
Matt Raiti
reaches out
to each of our
GAC patients by phone prior to their
health center visit and following their
visit. He provides information about
the visit and the informed consent
process and collects pertinent
patient information to assist with the
visit. He also provides links to videos
that explain both estrogen-based
and testosterone-based therapy.
In addition to what we need for our
patient visit, Matt spends time doing
medical and legal research for our
patients and providing appropriate
In our rst four months of offering
GAC, our clinicians have met with
55 patients throughout the tri-
counties. Of those 55 appointments,
about half requested estrogen
treatment and half requested
testosterone-based hormone
therapy. Several patients have
expressed enthusiasm and relief
in knowing that we now provide
these vital services. They share
that our staff are sensitive to their
needs and engage them with
culturally appropriate and respectful
language, terminology, questions,
and information.
Planned Parenthood is proud to
advance gender afrming care
throughout our afliate. At the heart
of caring for our patients, is ensuring
that every patient feels seen, heard,
respected and cared for with dignity
and professionalism.
Providing Gender Afrming Care
In a recent poll of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer
(LGBTQ) Americans, 20 percent of respondents reported being
personally discriminated against when visiting a doctor or health
clinic. A separate survey conducted by the nonprot Lambda Legal
found that 70 percent of transgender and gender-nonconforming
individuals have faced serious discrimination in a healthcare setting.
Matt Raiti,
GAC Navigator
Alexis McGill Johnson – Acting PPFA President
In mid-July the Board of Planned Parenthood Federation of
America appointed Alexis McGill Johnson as Interim President
of PPFA. Alexis is a recognized social justice leader, lifelong
political organizer and a tireless advocate for reproductive rights
and access to quality, affordable health care.
Alexis resigned as a board member of Planned Parenthood
Action Fund and PAC Chair to step into the Acting President position. Previously she served on the Board
of Directors for Planned Parenthood Federation of America for nearly a decade. As Board Chair from 2013
to 2015, she expanded the organization’s philanthropic reach to fund critical initiatives to increase access to
care and meet the needs of Planned Parenthood’s patients.
Alexis is the co-founder and former co-director of the Perception Institute, a consortium of researchers,
advocates, and strategists who translate cutting edge mind science research on race, gender, ethnic, and
other identities into solutions that reduce bias and discrimination and promote belonging. She currently serves
on the board of Color of Change, Revolutions Per Minute, and Narrative Initiative. She holds degrees from
Princeton and Yale Universities and has taught political science at both Yale and Wesleyan Universities.
Jodi Hicks - PPAC CEO & President
On September 30, 2019, Planned Parenthood Afliates of
California (PPAC) was pleased to announce that Jodi Hicks
has been named the new CEO & President of the statewide
policy and advocacy organization. PPAC serves the seven
PP afliates across the state that provide care at 108 health
centers. A longtime health care advocate and lobbyist, Hicks
has worked with numerous health care organizations. Hicks
has been serving as Acting CEO and President since June
and has previously served as a lobbyist for PPAC and board
member for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte.
During her time as Acting CEO & President at PPAC, Hicks had already proven her ability to effectively lead
the organization, helping to nalize the historic $100 million included in the California State budget for sexual
and reproductive health care. She’s also been instrumental in leading legislative priority strategies to secure
funding for security measures for health care centers that provide abortions and expand access to birth
control through telehealth.
Prior to joining PPAC, Hicks was a partner in the lobby rm DiMare, Brown, Hicks & Kessler, LLC, specializing
in health care, energy and social justice issues. Hicks has also served as the Vice President of Government
Relations at the California Medical Association, a non-prot organization representing more than 35,000
members in all modes of practice and specialties.
Jodi’s experience and vision will serve the organization well in pushing a robust public policy and advocacy
program to help expand access and allow patients to thrive.
Welcoming New Leaders
can help
When we all help one
another, everybody wins
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Your gift to PPCCC is protected
by VeriSign. Enjoy secure credit
card convenience when you visit and click the
“Donate” link at the top of the page.
Pledge your
monthly support:
A small amount each month makes
an important difference each year.
Call Zoe at 805.722.1517 to start
your monthly giving.
Remember PPCCC
in your will:
“Tomorrow’s dollars” are just as
important as “today’s dollars.”
Adding a charitable bequest to
your existing will takes just a quick
phone call to your legal or estate
advisor. Or call Sherry Madsen,
Vice President Development, at
We are always looking for
volunteers for the Mary Jane
McCord Planned Parenthood
Book Sale. Our volunteers work
year-round sorting and pricing
books for the sale. If you are
interested in volunteering please
Looking for other volunteer
opportunities with PPCCC?
Please email volunteers@
PPCCC is fortunate to have great friends in local
businesses in our community. The two businesses
below are huge supporters. They support us, and
we want to support them! Please patronize these
business who PPCCC!
Local Business Love
Mary Ferris, M.D. - Interim
Medical Director, PPCCC
After 10 years of service to Planned
Parenthood California Central Coast
our Medical Director, Virginia Siegfried,
retired last month. While we search for
a new medical director, we are thrilled
to announce that Dr. Mary Ferris has
joined the PPCCC team as the Interim
Medical Director.
Dr. Ferris is a Board-Certied Family
Practice physician. She retired this
year after an impressive career that culminated with her service as the
Executive Director of the University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB)
Student Health Service. Prior to working for UCSB, Dr. Ferris held
several other clinical and administrative roles, including serving as the
Medical Director of PPCCC between 2001-2005. She is well-known and
respected in the Central Coast medical community.
Mammoth Moving and Storage has
been providing Residential, Ofce,
Industrial, Hospitality and Storage
services for over 40 years. They’ve been
voted Santa Barbara’s best moving
company by the SB Independent for over
20 years. Mammoth has been supporting
our book sale for the last 3 years. Not
only do they heavily discount the move-in
and move-out of our yearly sale at Earl
Warren, but they store some of our boxes
year-round for no cost.
Jen and the Lunchbox team have
been providing catered meals for many
of our PP events and meetings for the
last 10 years. Not only does everyone
love the food, but Lunchbox loves
PP. They always provide a discount
and donate at least one meal per
year to our book sale volunteers. Visit for more info or to
order a great meal!
My older sister
Planned Parenthood
when I was a
teenager. Before my
appointment, I had
sex without protection.
Then my relationship
ended, at which point I
didn’t think I needed the appointment anymore.
Fast forward a month and I had to take a pregnancy
test that conrmed I was pregnant. I was a senior
in high school, 17 years old, and after having sex
twice, I was pregnant. I am super fortunate to have
supportive parents and have always had an amazing
support system. I knew whatever I decided, I would
be supported.
Seventeen years later, I’m a 36-year-old mom
to a teenager who is literally the best person I
know. Shortly after giving birth, I went to Planned
Parenthood to get on that birth control. Planned
Parenthood was the only place I felt truly comfortable.
The only place that I felt was accepting of me, my
child, and my situation.
Everyone in my life had their opinions about my
choice to become a teenage mother. The doctors,
nurses and staff at Planned Parenthood didn’t make
me feel ashamed, guilty, or embarrassed because I
chose to become a mother at 17.
I stand by Planned Parenthood because it is a place
I feel respected, nurtured, supported and listened to,
no matter what.”
-Jaymee Payan, PPCCC Volunteer
Read more stories on Instagram
If you have a non-Roth IRA and you are 70 ½ years
of age, you must take a required minimum distribution
(RMD), which is taxable.
If you don’t need those funds, you can make a
qualied charitable distribution (QCD), up to $100,000,
to avoid paying tax on your RMD.
You can also make legacy gifts through your IRA.
Designating PPCCC as a beneciary in your estate
plan is simple and can reduce your taxable estate,
while supporting reproductive health care and
education in your community!
If you’d like to donate through your IRA, reach out
to your legal or nancial advisor and ask about
directing your funds to Planned Parenthood California
Central Coast.
Have questions? Contact Sherry Madsen, Vice
President Development, at 805.722.1516 or
Giving Through
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Save e Date
Planned Parenthood California Central Coast
April 4, 2020 at the
Hilton Beachfront Resort, Fess Parker
Santa Barbara, CA
My Story Project on Instagram!
@PPCACentralCoast @My_Story_Project!