Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
MATRICULATION | January 2026
Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Our Competitive Application Process ..................................................................................................................................... 4
Admissions Consultations ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Notification and Communication ............................................................................................................................................ 5
General Review Process and Timeline .................................................................................................................................... 5
Early Assurance Program ........................................................................................................................................................ 6
Advanced Standing ................................................................................................................................................................. 6
General Admissions Requirements ......................................................................................................................................... 7
1. Completed CASPA Application .................................................................................................................................. 7
2. Citizenship ................................................................................................................................................................. 7
3. GPAs .......................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Qualifying GPA ........................................................................................................................................................... 7
Prerequisite GPA ........................................................................................................................................................ 8
4. Prerequisite Courses ................................................................................................................................................. 8
Online Courses ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Survey Courses ........................................................................................................................................................... 8
AP, CLEP, & Pass/Fail Courses .................................................................................................................................... 8
Grade Substitutions ................................................................................................................................................... 9
Minimal Standards ................................................................................................................................................... 10
Waiver of Prerequisite Time Limit Window ............................................................................................................. 11
5. Bachelor’s Degree ................................................................................................................................................... 11
6. Additional Testing ................................................................................................................................................... 11
MCAT/GRE/PA-CAT .................................................................................................................................................. 11
CASPer Test .............................................................................................................................................................. 12
As of 2023, EVMS does not require the CASper test for our admissions process. .................................................. 12
TOEFL ....................................................................................................................................................................... 12
7. Patient Care and Healthcare Experience................................................................................................................. 12
Patient Care Experience ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Healthcare Experience ............................................................................................................................................. 12
8. Licenses and Certifications ...................................................................................................................................... 13
9. Volunteer Experience .............................................................................................................................................. 13
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10. Letters of Reference .............................................................................................................................................. 14
11. Personal Essay ....................................................................................................................................................... 14
12. Technical Standards .............................................................................................................................................. 14
Applicants with Foreign Education or English as a Second Language .................................................................................. 14
Updating the CASPA Application........................................................................................................................................... 15
Updating Transcripts ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Unofficial transcripts ................................................................................................................................................ 16
Official transcripts .................................................................................................................................................... 16
Updating Experiences .................................................................................................................................................. 16
Withdrawing an Application........................................................................................................................................ 16
Interviews .............................................................................................................................................................................. 16
After Interviews .................................................................................................................................................................... 17
Accepted Student Notification .................................................................................................................................... 17
Accepted Student Health Requirements ................................................................................................................. 17
Accepted Student Orientation ................................................................................................................................. 17
Waitlist Status ............................................................................................................................................................. 17
Deferment Policy ......................................................................................................................................................... 18
Reapplication ........................................................................................................................................................................ 18
Accreditation Status .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
Non-Discrimination Policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 19
Contact Information .............................................................................................................................................................. 19
Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
This resource is intended to serve as a definitive guide for potential and current applicants to the Master of Physician
Assistant Program at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS). It contains specific admissions criteria and application data
related to the current application cycle. It should be considered an adjunct to the Physician Assistant (PA) Student
Handbook, which contains information regarding the program and related policies for matriculated students.
EVMS conducts a thorough, holistic review of every eligible candidate for consideration for admission to our demanding
Applicants are encouraged to explore our website, including the Frequently Asked Questions, for more information
about the Master of Physician Assistant (MPA) Program and EVMS.
All questions/updates regarding applications and admissions must be done through your Personalized URL (PURL).
Applicants who email the program or program director will be directed to connect with an admissions representative
through their PURL.
The information herein is subject to periodic review and revision as deemed necessary by the program. Changes will be
indicated by the publication/revision date. Ultimately it is the applicant’s responsibility to be aware of all application
requirements and comply with admissions deadlines for the current application cycle to ensure a successful
Our competitive admissions process welcomes all applicants from diverse backgrounds with different life and career
experiences. We seek the best candidates and give preference to those who come from communities such as:
Educationally disadvantaged
Virginia residents
United States military
Because our curriculum is rigorous, we place value on an applicant's prior academic history. We value a strong
cumulative GPA and also evaluate each candidate's GPAs in the following categories:
Overall undergraduate GPA (3.43 average)
Prerequisite GPA (3.86 average)
Replacement GPA (3.82 average)
Graduate GPA (3.67 average)
Healthcare experience, direct and indirect, and volunteer experience are other attributes of a successful candidate.***
While the program does not require a specific number of healthcare or volunteer hours, those who have been
competitive and gained admission have earned:
1500-2700 total healthcare experience hours based on the last 3 cycles (combined Patient Care and Healthcare
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EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
876 hours of volunteer experience
o 95% of applicants have reported community service activity
***Meeting these qualifications does not guarantee an interview or admission to the program. Also, the PA program
does not give advanced standing to any candidate for previous educational or clinical experience. Advanced standing
means allowing credit based on previous studies (for example, nursing school or paramedic certification credits) or work
experience (RN, EMT, etc).
Due to the volume of applications we are processing, individual consultations are not offered. It is rare that the majority
of questions cannot be answered through the information provided online and in this document. It is recommended
that applicants review our Admissions Statistics and critically evaluate the competitiveness of their application
compared to the average matriculant. Meeting the minimum application requirements does not guarantee an
invitation for an interview.
For specific questions about an application or clarification about information found in either location, please click this
link to obtain a personalized URL (PURL) and be connected to an admissions representative. Applicants who email the
PA Program or the Program Director will be directed to connect to an admission representative via their PURL.
Upon submission of any of the application requirements, applicants will receive electronic notification of their
application status from the Office of Admissions and Enrollment for the School of Health Professions (SHP). Due to the
high volume of applications, use of a personalized URL (PURL) is the best mode of communication with the SHP Office of
Admissions and Enrollment. Please make sure to include your CASPA ID on any and all communication. Applicants are
required to regularly check the account associated with the e-mail address provided on their CASPA application and
update the PA Program with regards to any e-mail address changes in a reasonable period of time. Check SPAM folders
in case messages end up there. We recommend avoiding use of school email or Hotmail accounts since these may
change or do not interface well with CASPA. Failure to respond to program requests in a timely manner may result in
loss of eligibility for program admission.
The months of January to March and July to September are the busiest in the SHP Office of Admissions and Enrollment,
which may limit the ability of staff to respond to individual questions about the admissions process or an individual
application. Updates to an application status may also be slower during this period due to the influx of applications.
Completed and verified CASPA applications are made available to the program by CASPA beginning in July. Although we
accept applications earlier to accommodate individuals submitting applications to other programs, the Admissions Staff
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will not begin processing applications for the current cycle until the fall. Our program does not have rolling admissions,
and there is no benefit to submitting an application earlier in the cycle. It is best to apply to our program shortly after
completing all 8 prerequisite courses and once all final grades are listed on your transcript.
Following the receipt of all required documents, an application file is first evaluated for completeness and consistency
by the SHP Office of Admissions and Enrollment and designated staff. A second review for compliance with program
requirements and selection for personal interview is performed by the PA Program Application Review Committee.
Please see the table below for more information.
CASPA application cycle opens
CASPA application completed
All prerequisite courses satisfactorily completed and transcripts submitted via CASPA
TOEFL completed (if applicable)
9/2024 - 5/2025
Applications reviewed for completeness by SHP Office of Admissions and Enrollment
1/2024 - 5/2025
Applications reviewed by PA Program Application Review Committee
Interview offers made to selected applicants
Bachelor’s degree completed
Interviews conducted
Offers of admission extended
10 days after offer
Applicants send acceptance of admission offer
Waitlist offers of admission extended (if needed)
Expected graduation
College freshman interested in applying to EVMS’s Early Assurance Program (EAP) should review the information and
requirements provided online and reach out to the EAP advisor at their undergraduate institution for more information.
The PA Program does not accept transfer credits for advanced standing in the curriculum sequence. No summative
exams (GRE, MCAT, USMLE Step Tests, etc.) will count towards credit or advanced standing in the curriculum.
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EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
Application reviews are holistic and include a review of qualifying GPAs as described in section 3, Academic rigor, and
undergraduate and post-graduate performance. The Admissions Committee strongly discourages online courses to fulfill
prerequisite requirements, except in extraordinary circumstances (i.e. military deployment overseas).
To complete an application, please submit all required information through the CASPA website. A “complete”
application includes all official transcripts received from all educational institutions included on your application, at least
two letters of reference listed as “completed”, a paid CASPA application fee, and the application Status Menu reads as
“Materials Received > Verifying” for EVMS. The PA Program reserves the right to verify credentials documented in the
applicant’s application. Applicants must review and adhere to the CASPA Admissions Code of Cooperation & Policy
Regarding Investigations and Violations. Visit the CASPA Applicant Help Center for questions about completing the
CASPA application.
Waiver of Fees: If the CASPA fee is prohibitive to applying, applicants should review the "Fee Waiver Division"
information on the CASPA website to determine if they qualify for this service (See CASPA FAQ section). This waiver is
offered by CASPA and with limited funding. Waivers are granted until funding is depleted. Please contact CASPA for
more information.
Applicants must be United States citizens or permanent residents (Green Card). Despite recent advances of the PA
concept in other countries, and interest in PAs practicing internationally, it is a unique profession to the United States
healthcare environment. As such, our program trains PAs to work within the U.S. healthcare system and wants to ensure
graduates of the PA Program are eligible to continue in the U.S. upon completion of their training.
All applications must have one of the three qualifying GPAs described below at 3.20 or better (on a 4.0 scale as
calculated by CASPA) for consideration. Information on how CASPA calculates GPA can be found here. Meeting the
minimum application requirements does not guarantee an invitation for an interview.
The highest of the following three possible GPAs will be scored:
1) Actual undergraduate GPA (applicants with foreign education are considered on a case-by-case basis see
section on applicants with foreign education),
2) Completed U.S. graduate degree GPA, or
3) A Replacement GPA is computed from the most recent 60 semester credit hours of U.S. coursework. Applicants
must complete 60 credits in the U.S. to qualify for a replacement GPA. This is a one-time calculation from the
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information listed on the CASPA application when we process and screen an application. It will not be re-
calculated if additional courses are completed.
**Beginning in the 25-26 application cycle, will no longer be used.
A prerequisite GPA will also be calculated and will contribute to the overall application score (See Prerequisite Courses).
All eight (8) prerequisite courses must be equal to a minimum of 3 semester credits (4.5 quarter credits) and completed
at an accredited U.S. institution with a B- or better grade. For lab courses with a separate grade, the lab and lecture
course grades will be averaged to obtain the course GPA; both lab and lecture must individually meet the minimum
grade requirement. Five (5) specific prerequisites must be completed within a certain time frame of application. Please
refer to the Minimal Standards Section. Satisfactory completion of prerequisite coursework is documented via official
transcripts submitted through CASPA. Prerequisite coursework must be completed and transcripts submitted to CASPA
prior to the March 1
application deadline. Applications with outstanding prerequisite courses will not be eligible for
**Beginning in the 2023-2024 application cycle, Anatomy AND Physiology OR A&P I AND A&P II will need to have 4 semester
hours / 6 quarter hours per semester and need to be completed within the following time frames:
2024-2025 application cycle: within 6 years of the application deadline
2025-2026 application cycle: within 5 years of the application deadline
Secondary proof of completion (e.g. student copy of transcript or course final grades) may be accepted while awaiting
official transcripts. See Updating the CASPA Application
NOTE: Quarter system credit hours are converted to semester system by dividing by 1.5 (e.g. 6 quarter credits/1.5 = 4
semester credits).
There will be no exceptions to these requirements.
Applicants are strongly discouraged from taking online courses to fulfill prerequisite requirements except in
extraordinary circumstances (i.e. military deployment overseas).
Survey courses are not accepted for prerequisites, as the depth of content is not adequate.
No more than two (2) prerequisites will be accepted without a traditional letter grade, i.e. Pass/Fail or via acceptance of
AP credit, CLEP exam completion or Credit by Exam completion. AP credit, college-level coursework completed in high
school which transfers to a college transcript, may be accepted in place of course scores for the general prerequisites
(general chemistry, intro to psychology, and math). Passing one of the following CLEP exams will also meet prerequisite
requirements: Chemistry (considered for general chemistry), Introduction to Psychology, Human Growth &
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Development (considered for a psychology course), College Mathematics, College Algebra or Calculus. Credit by Exam is
offered by a few institutions and is similar to CLEP exams; course credit is offered based on the student’s performance
on a single exam that covers the material in the course. Search online for “credit by exam” or “challenge exam” for
more information.
Please visit our website for updates on policies regarding COVID-19.
In the case where an applicant does not have a satisfactory grade in a general prerequisite (chemistry, math or
psychology), the highest grade from another higher-level course may be substituted from within the same discipline.
Example: You received a C in General Chemistry 1 but continued taking courses to complete a chemistry minor. A better
grade from an additional, higher-level inorganic chemistry course may be used to fulfill the general chemistry
Courses from othe rdisciplines (Nursing courses, Health Sciecne courses, etc) often do not cover the prerequisite
material adequately. Please contact the Admissions department to ensure the acceptance of these courses.
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See table below for the minimal standards for each prerequisite
Prerequisite Courses with No Time Limit for Completion
Prerequisite Course
Minimal Standards
Credit Hours
Intro to Psychology
Any college-level introductory psychology course
offered in the psychology department that focuses on
the understanding of human psychological
Courses offered in other departments (e.g.
Sociology, Anthropology, etc.) will not be accepted.
Three (3) Semester Credit hours
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
General Chemistry
Any college-level general inorganic chemistry course
Survey courses will not be accepted.
Three (3) Semester Credit hours
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
College Math or Physics
College Statistics
Any college-level math, physics or statistics course
Survey courses will not be accepted.
Three (3) Semester Credit hours
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
Prerequisite Courses that Must be Completed within a certain time frame
Minimal Standards
Credit Hours
Time Frame
Combination of college-level anatomy
and physiology courses that cover the
structure and function of all the major
human body organ systems, including
the musculoskeletal, nervous,
circulatory, respiratory, digestive,
urinary, endocrine and reproductive
It is highly recommended that both
Anatomy and Physiology prerequisite
courses be completed at the same
Four (4) Semester Credit
Six (6) Quarter Credit Hours
To include lab
Within 7 years of application
Completed as of
January 1, 2017
2024-2025 application cycle:
within 6 years of application
2025-2026 application cycle:
within 5 years of application
Any college-level organic chemistry or
biochemistry course
Survey courses will not be accepted.
Three (3) Semester Credit
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
Within 10 years of
application deadline
Completed as of
January 1, 2014
Any college-level microbiology or cell
biology course
Survey courses will not be accepted.
Three (3) Semester Credit
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
Within 10 years of
application deadline
Completed as of
January 1, 2014
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Minimal Standards
Credit Hours
Time Frame
Any college-level course in the
psychology department beyond an
introductory psychology course that
focuses on the understanding of
human psychological development
(Abnormal, Lifespan or Developmental
Courses offered in other departments
(e.g. Sociology, Anthropology, etc.)
will not be accepted.
*Part II of Introduction to Psychology
will not be accepted
Three (3) Semester Credit
Five (5) Quarter Credit Hours
Within 10 years of
application deadline
Completed as of
January 1, 2014
No more than two (2) prerequisites may be granted a time limit window waiver. There are two ways to meet the
requirements for a waiver.
1) Teaching the topic in its full breadth as described in the course descriptions above as a professor at a college
level for >5 years within the last ten years.
2) Working as a practicing professional specifically in the fields of chemistry, physics or psychology that covers
required content for >5 years within the last ten years.
These exceptions may be accepted only at the discretion of the Admissions Committee. All requests must be submitted
through the applicants’ PURL. There will be no exceptions, and proof that one of the requirements above has been met
may be requested for a waiver to be granted.
Applicants must have completed all undergraduate degree requirements and have been issued a bachelor’s (or higher
graduate) degree prior to matriculating as an EVMS student. If the bachelor’s degree was issued by a U.S. college or
university, as a general rule it should be from a regionally accredited institution, however, the PA program may grant
exceptions on a case-by-case basis depending on the institution’s accrediting agency. Official transcripts from the
awarding institution must specify the date upon which the degree was issued.
Applicants with a foreign education should also navigate to Applicants with Foreign Education.
NOTE: A bachelor’s degree must be completed before July 1st of the year prior to the anticipated matriculation.
These tests are not required for application or admission to the EVMS PA Program.
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As of 2023, EVMS does not require the CASper test for our admissions process.
See Applicants with Foreign Education.
Although not required to apply, patient care and healthcare experience is desirable and rewarded in the application
review process. Patient care experience is preferred over healthcare experience; however, credit is given for both types
of experience. The description of duties will ultimately determine how the admissions committee categorizes an
experience. Still, we encourage applicants to use the guidance below when categorizing their own experiences on the
CASPA application.
Because of the timing of our application process, we recognize that individuals who apply early in the application cycle
may not have documented as much experience as those who apply later. Accordingly, our program’s policy is to
extrapolate hours for current experiences until the March 1
deadline. There is no need to update the program with
information on positions that have already been included without an end date on an initial verified CASPA application.
For positions acquired after applying, see Updating the CASPA Application.
Defined by CASPA as “experiences in which you are directly responsible for a patient’s care.”
Our program views direct responsibility for patient care as providing hands-on patient care, performing procedures,
counseling/educating patients, and/or participating in clinical decision-making. Unpaid experiences are less likely to fall
into this category. Healthcare professions with duties that typically fall into this category include: Athletic Trainer (ATC),
Clinical/Medical Assistant, Clinical Psychologist, Clinical Research Assistant (with patient interaction), CNA (with clinical
duties), Dietician, EMT/Paramedic, Medical Esthetician/Cosmetologist, Medical or Patient Care Technician (ex: cardiac,
endoscopy, ophthalmic, OR/surgical, procurement, radiology, rehab, etc), Mental Health Aide/Professional, Military
Corpsman/Medic, Nurse (RN/LPN), Nurse’s Aide, Occupational Therapist or OTA, Phlebotomist, Physical Therapist or
PTA, Respiratory Therapist, Surgical Assistant, etc.
Defined by CASPA as “both paid and unpaid work in a health or health-related field where you are not directly
responsible for a patient’s care, but may still have patient interaction; for example, filling prescriptions, performing
clerical work, delivering patient food, cleaning patients and/or their rooms, administering food or medication, taking
vitals or other record-keeping information, working as a scribe, CNA (depending on the job description), medical
assistant, etc.”
Our program is generally in agreement with this definition, with some distinctions:
Experiences providing supportive care only (feeding/delivering food, dressing, bathing/cleaning, comforting,
transporting) are not rewarded as healthcare experience but may be counted as volunteer experience if
applicable. This also applies to CNAs with only supportive care duties (generally in nursing home settings).
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Professions listed in the CASPA definition as generally acquiring healthcare experience (e.g. CNA or Medical
Assistant) but with duties that demonstrate direct responsibility for a patient’s care will be rewarded as patient
care experience.
Clerical work must be at the level of Medical/Unit or Office Secretary, where regular interaction with clinical
professionals is described in the duties.
Healthcare professions with duties that typically fall into this category include: CPR/ACLS Instructor, Lab Tech
(processing labs), Lifeguard, Medical/Unit Secretary, Pharmacy Tech, Scribe, etc.
The following situations preclude an experience from being rewarded as Patient Care or Healthcare Experience:
Experiences providing supportive care only (see Healthcare Experience above; may be counted as volunteer
experience if applicable)
Experiences outside the U.S. healthcare system (may be counted as volunteer experience if applicable)
Experiences completed for academic credit or required for training programs, including internships (will not be
counted as volunteer experience)
Shadowing/observational experiences (will not be counted as volunteer experience). However, shadowing PAs is
recommended for applicants not otherwise exposed to the PA profession in a clinical setting.
Veterinary/animal care experience
Obtaining a certification in a healthcare field is often helpful in securing paid healthcare experience and is rewarded in
the application review process. Some examples of accepted licenses and certifications include: Athletic Trainer (ATC),
Certified Nursing Assistant (CNA), Corpsman, Dental Hygienist/Assistant, Dietician, Emergency Medical Technician (EMT),
Home Health Aide, Lab Tech, Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), Medical Assistant/Technician, Medical Doctor (MD/DO),
Nurse Aide, Occupational Therapist/ OTA, Ophthalmology Assistant/Technician, Paramedic, Patient Care Tech, Pharmacy
Tech, Phlebotomy, Physical Therapist/PTA, Radiology/X-ray Tech, Registered Nurse (RN), Surgical Assistant/Technician,
Scribe, Social Worker, Tissue Bank Specialist, etc.
Licenses and certifications must be uploaded to the Program Level Documents in CASPA to receive credit.
Note: We do not give credit for CPR, BLS or ACLS certification. Annual maintenance testing or employment
certifications (ie. Bloodborne pathogens, slips, trips, and falls, FEMA, OSHA courses) are not given credit.
It is part of EVMS’ vision to be recognized as the most community-oriented school of medicine and health professions in
the United States. Therefore, we reward applicants with a demonstrated commitment to community service.
Experiences can be medical or non-medical, domestic or abroad, and we encourage applicants to invest their time in
organizations and projects that fulfill them personally. For social organizations, some involvement in a leadership
capacity will be expected. Emphasis will be placed on the longevity and quality of the investment rather than simply
being a member of an organization or the sheer number of events listed on the application.
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EVMS requires two (2) letters of reference. References should be selected from individuals who are well acquainted with
the applicant academically, personally, and/or professionally and who can evaluate the majority of categories included
on the reference form. References should be from a variety of sources, whether MDs, PAs, other health professionals,
colleagues, supervisors and/or patients or clients. References from family members are strongly discouraged.
References should submit a signed letter on letterhead if feasible.
Applicants are asked to personally and individually write “a brief statement expressing your motivation or desire to
become a physician assistant”, which should be written at a graduate level and demonstrate an in-depth understanding
of the PA role and function. The use of AI or writing services will immediately disqualify the applicant for admission.
The abilities and skills applicants and students must independently possess in order to complete the education and
training associated with PA education are referred to as Technical Standards. These abilities and skills are essential for
clinical practice as a PA.
The Technical Standards listed on our website reflect five categorical areas - observation, communication, critical
reasoning (intellectual), motor and sensory functions, behavioral and social attributes - and represent minimum
competency levels. Each standard is defined on our website and is followed by examples of indicators of minimum
competence in that area.
PA applicants must be prepared to independently meet the technical standards, with or without reasonable
accommodation, in order to complete the program. These technical standards also serve as prerequisites for
continuation, promotion and graduation from the PA Program. Students will be asked to indicate such ability prior to
their matriculation into the program, when registering for each semester and prior to graduation. Applicants or students
found to be non-compliant with the Technical Standards are at risk for dismissal from the program.
Requests for Reasonable Accommodation: Applicants or students who may have questions regarding these technical
standards or who believe they may need to request reasonable accommodation in order to meet the standards are
encouraged to contact the Officer of Disability Compliance (757.446.7261 | studentdisab[email protected]). Revealing a
disability is voluntary; however, such disclosure is necessary before any accommodations may be made in the learning
environment or in the program’s procedures. Information regarding disabilities is handled in a confidential manner.
Applications from applicants with foreign education may be considered on a case-by-case basis. All prerequisite
coursework must be completed at an accredited U.S. institution with a B- grade or better in order to establish a track
record of academic performance in this educational system. No foreign courses, degrees, work experience or other
summative exams (e.g. GRE, MCAT, USMLE Step Exams, etc.) will substitute for prerequisite coursework. A written
request must be submitted to the PA Program and provide all of the following for consideration:
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1) An official academic credential evaluation by World Education Services or Educational Credential Evaluators of
the foreign transcript. The evaluation must include the following components:
Analysis of credentials to determine equivalence to an accredited U.S. Bachelor’s degree
Course by course translation, including information on course name, grade & U.S. credit equivalency
Overall performance in comparison to the standard U.S. grading system (i.e. GPA)
Although multiple companies provide translation services, an English translation without the
appropriate information above will not be accepted in place of an academic credential evaluation.
All coursework completed outside the U.S. must also be included on the CASPA e-transcript for our
review. Although CASPA does not verify foreign transcripts, full disclosure of foreign coursework is
expected for our internal review.
2) Transcripts of all coursework done in the U.S. educational system to date.
3) TOEFL scores: Due to the importance of communication in the English language for both learning and providing
healthcare (see Technical Standards), the following applicants are required to provide acceptable TOEFL (Test of
English as a Foreign Language) scores prior to the March 1 application due date:
All applicants with English as a second language
There is no time frame requirement for when this exam is completed with the assumption that if an
applicant has met the cutoff score at any point in the past, their English proficiency will continue to
To ensure an ability to function at the graduate level in a clinical healthcare program, the following are
expected minimal scores:
Internet-based test (preferred): 85
Computer-based test: 220
Minimum of 25 in the speaking component
At the time of program interviews, if language issues are identified, further demonstration of English proficiency, to
include repeat TOEFL testing, may be requested as a condition of acceptance.
If applicants have already completed and submitted their CASPA application but have since completed in progress /
planned coursework that is required by our program (i.e. degree requirements or pre-requisite requirements completed
before March 1), they must update their CASPA application to allow for calculation of the prerequisite GPAs. Updates
must be completed after the application is verified and before access to the application is removed by CASPA. The final
date for applicants to access and update a CASPA application is determined by CASPA and is usually within the first
weeks of March. Courses updated via the Academic Update process will not be verified by CASPA and will not
calculate into the CASPA GPA. EVMS does not accept any updates to the CASPA application after our March 1
Once courses have been updated, applicants must submit proof of completion from the individual school(s) for EVMS to
verify the updated information. Unofficial or student copies of transcripts will be accepted initially, however if an offer
for matriculation is made, official transcripts will be required.
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Unofficial transcripts should be uploaded in the applicant’s Personalized URL (PURL).
Official transcripts should be mailed to the following address:
School of Health Professions
ATTN: Office of Admissions & Enrollment
700 West Olney Road, Suite 1155
Norfolk, VA 23501
Experiences should not be updated after submitting the CASPA application. For positions listed on the application
without an end date, hours will be extrapolated out to the March 1 deadline. We recommend waiting to submit an
application if a new job or position is expected. EVMS does not accept any updates to the CASPA application after our
March 1
Candidates who no longer desire to be considered by EVMS or who have committed to another PA program are
encouraged to submit the “Withdrawal Survey” on their PURL at their earliest convenience so that resources are not
dedicated to a non-viable application and due consideration can be given to another qualified applicant for an interview
Withdrawn applications are not processed further, and applicants are sent a short survey to capture their reasons for
withdrawal, experience with our admissions process and personal ranking of our program.
Competitive applicants will be invited to participate in an interview process conducted in mid-July to assess
interpersonal and communication skills, maturity, and understanding and commitment to the PA profession and the
EVMS PA Program’s missions and values.
Every effort will be made to provide at least two weeks' notice to facilitate the necessary arrangements to participate in
the interview process. Our goal is to give at least four weeks’ notice.
Applicants will have 72 hours to respond to the invitation, and failure to respond may mean the forfeiture of their
interview slot.
An uncommunicated absence or withdrawal from the interview automatically places the applicant in forfeiture of
consideration for the next matriculating class. Applicants are welcome to reapply during the next application cycle if this
Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
Due to the intricacies of interview planning, requests for alternate interview dates and formats cannot be
EVMS conducts a holistic interview process that includes individual and group interviews. The interviews are conducted
by the program’s faculty and community faculty. Questions related to various topics are asked so that faculty and our
community faculty can get to know the applicant and determine if the applicant is the right fit for our rigorous program.
A separate writing sample is also performed during Interview Day. After the interview process, the full-time faculty meet
to discuss the interview candidates and finalize the admissions offers. Admissions decisions are based on a holistic
process that includes all elements of the application and the interview.
Notification of acceptance will begin within two (2) weeks of the final interviews. Applicants offered a seat must
acknowledge acceptance of the offer within ten (10) calendar days of their notification by providing the following:
1) An electronic response to the Admissions Offer & Conditions of Acceptance letter;
2) A non-refundable acceptance deposit ($500) to hold a seat in the class and which will be applied toward tuition;
3) A completed criminal background check (will include checking sex offenses and crimes against minors or
A one-time extension of the response deadline may be granted upon request by the applicant.
Students accepting the Admissions Offer and enrolling in the PA Program at EVMS must submit documentation of proof
of childhood immunizations and recent tuberculosis screening results. Completion of all program health requirements is
required prior to November 15th.
Applicants who have accepted a seat in the program are required to complete the online pre-orientation requirements
and attend orientation at the beginning of January. This event includes critical information about the institution and our
program, providing students with the necessary means of accessing campus parking lots, buildings, computer network
and other functions critical to a smooth transition into the academic schedule.
Noncompliance with the criminal background check, health requirements, or attendance at orientation may be cause
for revocation of the admission offer.
Students who are not offered a seat in the program following the Interviews may be placed on a waitlist at the
recommendation of the Admissions Committee and/or the Program Director, which is activated as necessary. Rank or
position on the waitlist will not be disclosed to candidates due to its dynamic nature.
Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
A wait list is valid from the close of the interview process through the first full week of classes for which the student
Wait-listed applicants not advanced to a seat are not considered for admission to the following class without
reapplication. See section on Reapplication.
Questions about deferment of admission are only entertained after unpredicted life circumstances may interfere with
expected matriculation or success in the program. All requests for deferment should be submitted by modifying the
“Accept your offer” form to “I would like to defer my offer” and completing the explanation. The program requires a
statement from the applicant explaining why deferment has been requested, which will then be reviewed. The EVMS PA
Program reserves the right to determine if the request warrants deferment or if the candidate will need to reapply in a
future admission cycle. Should deferment be granted, the deposit is still required at the tie of deferral in order to hold a
seat in the program. Deferments are only offered once to the applicant and are not renewed.
Applicants who are not accepted to the PA Program are encouraged to self-evaluate their application (and interview, if
granted) in order to identify areas that can be improved. Program Admissions Statistics will be updated in the weeks
following the matriculation of a new class. The EVMS PA Program encourages and rewards reapplication once a serious
effort has been made to remedy any deficiencies. Such an effort by an applicant is viewed by the Admissions Committee
as an indication of motivation and perseverance and highlighted in a subsequent application.
A webinar with Admissions staff will be held in the fall for applicants who were not accepted or interviewed. For those
who were waitlisted but not accepted, a separate webinar will be held in the spring. Please await invitations, which will
be extended automatically via email and PURL by Admissions.
If recycling the CASPA application for a subsequent admissions cycle, it is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure the
resubmission accurately reflects their most recent preparation and status. Updating the transcripts, healthcare
experience, certifications and personal essay are highly recommended.
The PA Program is accredited by the Accreditation Review Commission on Education for the Physician Assistant, Inc.
(ARC-PA). Provisional accreditation was awarded on October 16, 1998 as the 109th accredited program in the US.
Renewal of accreditation was obtained in 2005, 2009 and 2016, the most recent being awarded for the maximum period
of 10 years. Our next accreditation review will be in 2026.
Graduates of accredited programs are eligible to take the national certifying examination offered by the National
Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants (NCCPA). Most states require certification in order to practice.
Revised April 24, 2024
EVMS MPA Program Admissions Guidebook | 2024-2025
EVMS does not discriminate in the recruitment and admission of students on the basis of race, color, national origin,
gender, age, sexual orientation, citizenship, religion, political affiliation or handicap as required by Title VI, Title IX and
Section 504.
For specific questions about an application or clarification about information found on our website, please click this link
to obtain a personalized URL (PURL) and be connected to an admissions representative.
Visit the CASPA Applicant Help Center for questions about completing the CASPA application.
Additional Contacts
Financial Aid
Diversity in Educational Programs
Disability Compliance
April 24, 2024 | Original Publication