Business process template sample title
Sub title line
Information Technology Services
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test
Plan 5.0.4
Test Plan for Degree Works ...................................................................................................................... 1
General Testing Instructions ......................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ................................................................................................................................... 1
Prerequisites for Functional Testing .............................................................................................. 1
Prerequisites ................................................................................................................................. 1
Certification ................................................................................................................................... 1
Using a Test Environment ............................................................................................................. 1
Collecting and Reporting Results during Testing .......................................................................... 1
Generic Test Plan Contents .......................................................................................................... 2
Users ............................................................................................................................................. 2
Special Notes for Degree Works 5.0.4 .......................................................................................... 3
Degree Works 5.0.4 Upgrade/Install Master Article ...................................................................... 3
Degree Works 5.0.4 Ellucian Content Pack .................................................................................. 3
Student Testers (STU) .............................................................................................................................. 4
Setup for Testing ........................................................................................................................... 4
Dashboard..................................................................................................................................... 4
Responsive Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 4
Advisor Testers without exceptions (ADVX) .......................................................................................... 5
Setup for Testing ........................................................................................................................... 5
Dashboard..................................................................................................................................... 5
Responsive Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 5
Advisor Testers with exceptions (ADV) .................................................................................................. 7
Setup for Testing ........................................................................................................................... 7
Dashboard..................................................................................................................................... 7
Responsive Dashboard ................................................................................................................. 7
Registrar Testers (REG) ........................................................................................................................... 9
Setup for Testing ........................................................................................................................... 9
Dashboard..................................................................................................................................... 9
Responsive Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 10
SuperUSER Testers ............................................................................................................................... 11
Setup for Testing ......................................................................................................................... 11
Composer.................................................................................................................................... 11
Dashboard................................................................................................................................... 11
Responsive Dashboard ............................................................................................................... 12
Scribe .......................................................................................................................................... 13
Controller..................................................................................................................................... 13
Web Transit ................................................................................................................................. 13
Pending Defect Correction and Known Issues ....................................................................................... 14
Campus Pending Defect Correction and Known Issues ............................................................. 14
Pending Defect Correction and/or Known Issues ....................................................................... 14
Other Items for Consideration and Testing ............................................................................................. 15
Other Items for Consideration and Testing ................................................................................. 15
Degree Works Features .............................................................................................................. 15
Audit Features ............................................................................................................................. 15
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 1
Test Plan for Degree Works
General Testing Instructions
This test plan provides multiple baseline best practices related to Degree Works testing after an
upgrade. The test plan is intended for functional users and is organized by user type (Degree Works
User Class).
In order to thoroughly test, we ask that you follow your normal business practices and processes
related to Degree Works and also try multiple scenarios that you might not encounter often in an effort
to identify anomalies and/or issues in the application.
Degree Works is primarily a web-based application. Please test all functionality using a variety of
browsers, including Google Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
This generic test plan can and should be modified to reflect the unique localizations and customizations
that are part of your Degree Works environment, as well as local business practices.
Prerequisites for Functional Testing
Working knowledge of Degree Works applications will vary by user class. At minimum, the SuperUSER
should complete a thorough review of all release related documentation, particularly the Release Guide
and the Problem Resolution documentation
Knowledge of outstanding pre-upgrade related issues (with ITS and/or Ellucian). A section is provided
at the end of this test plan for testing campus known issues
Information about prerequisites for testing is provided in the Ellucian Upgrade Guide.
Degree Works is certified by Ellucian at all supported release levels.
Using a Test Environment
Testing should be conducted in your Degree Works TEST environment.
Collecting and Reporting Results during Testing
Compile your test results for analysis, issue resolution, and for comparison when upgrading your
Degree Works production environment.
- Copy error message when applicable
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 2
- Provide a screenshot when possible
Generic Test Plan Contents
Generic test plans are created for the most recent baseline version of the application and are not
considered final documentation nor are they considered an authoritative source.
A thorough review of all release related documentation is a prerequisite for use of
this generic test plan.
Please identify one or more tester(s) from each of the following roles:
SuperUSER (DW Manager)
Registrar’s Office (REG class)
Academic Advisor (ADV and ADVX if applicable)
Student (STU class)
Other Institutional Needs
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 3
Special Notes for Degree Works 5.0.4
New user keys may be required for some functionalities in Degree Works 5.0.4. Below is a list of
resources recommended for review ahead of configuration and testing.
Degree Works 5.0.4 Upgrade/Install Master Article
Degree Works 5.0.4 Ellucian Content Pack
If you need access to the Ellucian Customer Center, please contact the ITS Helpdesk at
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 4
Student Testers (STU)
Setup for Testing
1. Student users will test in the Degree Works Dashboard and the Responsive Dashboard.
2. Student users should log in with their Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
Confirm access to Degree Works in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs:
Worksheets Plans GPA Calc
Complete each of the following
Save your audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Add courses in “Look Ahead”, choose “Process New”, and view the audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Responsive Dashboard
Confirm access to the Responsive Dashboard in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following links through the header bar or the Mega Menu
Worksheets Plans GPA Calc
Complete each of the following:
Print your audit
Save your audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 5
Advisor Testers without exceptions (ADVX)
Setup for Testing
1. Advisor users will test in the Degree Works dashboard and the Responsive Dashboard.
2. Advisor users should log in with their Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
Confirm access to Degree Works in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs:
Worksheets Plans GPA Calc
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Responsive Dashboard
Confirm access to the Responsive Dashboard in each browser
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following links through the header bar or the Mega Menu:
Worksheets Plans GPA Calc
No test
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 6
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 7
Advisor Testers with exceptions (ADV)
Setup for Testing
1. Advisor users will test in the Degree Works dashboard and the Responsive Dashboard.
2. Advisor users should log in with their Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
Confirm access to Degree Works in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs:
Worksheets GPA Calc Exceptions
Plans Notes
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception and run new audit
Responsive Dashboard
Confirm access to the Responsive Dashboard in each browser
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following links through the header bar or the Mega Menu:
Worksheets GPA Calc Exceptions
Plans Notes
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 8
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception and run new audit
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 9
Registrar Testers (REG)
Setup for Testing
1. Registrar users will test in the Degree Works dashboard and the Responsive Dashboard. (For
REG users who access other Degree Works applications, refer to SuperUSER testing.)
2. Registrar users should log in with their Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
Confirm access to Degree Works Dashboard in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs
Worksheets GPA Calc Exceptions
Plans Notes
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception
Create a new plan for a student
Modify a plan for a student
Add, Modify, and Delete a Petition for a student
Exception Management
Confirm access through top ribbon
Manage, apply, and approve petitions
Run exceptions report
Template Management (For use with the Student Educational Planner—SEP)
Confirm access
Create new template
Add a course requirement
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 10
Add a non-course requirement
Save template
Modify a templtate
Responsive Dashboard
Confirm access to Responsive Dashboard in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following links through the header bar or the Mega Menu:
Worksheets (default initial
GPA Calc
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception
Create a new plan for a student
Modify a plan for a student
Add, Modify, and Delete a Petition for a student
Exception Management
Confirm access through top ribbon
Manage, apply, and approve petitions
Run exceptions report
*Template Management can only be accessed through the Dashboard in Degree Works 5.0.4.
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 11
SuperUSER Testers
Setup for Testing
1. SuperUSERs will test in Degree Works Dashboard, Responsive Dashboard, Scribe, DWShell,
Composer, PC Tools Transit, and Web Transit.
2. SuperUSERs should log in to Composer, Dashboard, Responsive Dashboard, Scribe, and
DWShell with their Single Sign-On (SSO) credentials.
3. Access to PC Tools Transit will remain through PC Tools.
Confirm access to Composer in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to Degree Works Dashboard in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs
Worksheets Notes Admin (For Web Analyze)
Plans Exceptions GPA Calc
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception
Create a new plan for a student
Modify a plan for a student
Add, Modify, and Delete a Petition for a student
Exception Management
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 12
Confirm access through top ribbon
Manage, apply, and approve petitions
Run exceptions report
Template Management (For use with the Student Educational Planner—SEP)
Confirm access
Create new template
Add a course requirement
Add a non-course requirement
Save template
Modify a template
Responsive Dashboard
Confirm access to the Responsive Dashboard in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following links through the header bar or the Mega Menu
Admin (For Web Analyze)
GPA Calc
Complete each of the following:
Enter a student ID to select a student
Use the “Find” feature to search for and select a student
Save an audit as a PDF
Use the “What-If” function to render a hypothetical audit
Complete a GPA calculation with “Graduation Calculator”, “Term Calculator”, and “Advice
Refresh an audit and Process New
Add a note, delete a note
Add an exception and run new audit
Remove an exception
Create a new plan for a student
Modify a plan for a student
Add, Modify, and Delete a Petition for a student
Exception Management
Confirm access through top ribbon
Manage, apply, and approve petitions
Run exceptions report
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 13
*Template Management can only be accessed through the Dashboard in Degree works 5.0.4
Confirm access to Degree Works Scribe in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Complete each of the following:
Open a new block
Search blocks
Parse a block
Save a block
Make a change to a block parse, save and ensure the change appears in the student audit
Confirm access to Controller in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access to each of the following tabs:
Users Groups Configurations
Web Transit
Confirm access to Web Transit in each browser:
Chrome Firefox Other:_______
Confirm access through PTools
Ensure you can run and view a report
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 14
Pending Defect Correction and Known Issues
Campus Pending Defect Correction and Known Issues
Use this section to document and perform testing related to open pending defects and/or known issues
in your current Degree Works environment. Careful review of open pending defect correction and/or
known issues with ITS and/or Ellucian is recommended.
Note: Comparison of pending defects and/or known issues to the Ellucian Problem Resolutions
document for your Degree Works release level is recommended.
Pending Defect Correction and/or Known Issues
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.
Degree Works Major Upgrade Test Plan, December 2020 Page 15
Other Items for Consideration and Testing
Other Items for Consideration and Testing
In consideration of your unique Degree Works environment and your institutional business practices,
review the following items and test if applicable. Some of these items may require review of your
institution’s Surecode and Shepentry settings.
Degree Works Features
Athletic Eligibility Audit
Course Program of Study (CPoS)
Transfer Equivalency
Degree Works Prerequisite Checking
Banner XE Registration
Audit Features
Transfer credit
Graduate student audits
Dual majors and/or degrees
Multiple minors and/or majors
Minimum grade requirements
Insufficient grades
Incomplete grades
Overall GPA calculations
Major GPA calculations
Overall hours calculations
Repeatable courses (i.e., music classes, seminars)
Repeated courses
Cross-listed courses
Student attributes
Course attributes
Sharing Rules
Hidden requirements in Scribe blocks (old courses, changed disciplines, etc.)
Other unique Scribe scenarios used at your institution
Testing successful? (circle one) Yes/No
If testing was unsuccessful, please explain issues in detail and attach.