Student Proctor
Student proctors for the Office of Accessibility serve in an as-needed capacity as readers and scribes for
students taking exams in the Office of Accessibility. Student proctors will submit their availability before
the start of the semester, with the knowledge that they may be called upon to read and/or write for an
exam during the times they provided. Student proctors will be given assignments at least 3 business
days in advance, but may have the opportunity to pick up last minute tests. The testing coordinator will
begin assigning tests 1 week in advance, and 3 weeks in advance for final exams. All student proctors
will be required to attend a training session prior to the start of the semester in which they will be
proctoring as a condition of their hire.
To apply, please submit your handwritten application and your resume to the posting on Handshake or
email them to
. Incomplete applications (applications that are not filled out entirely,
not handwritten, and/or not submitted with a resume) will not be considered. Please note that the
office is not currently open to receive applications in person or via campus mail.
What is the role of a student proctor?
Student proctors serve as readers and scribes for students who have requested to utilize a reader
and/or scribe for their accommodated exam. Student proctors serving as readers will read the exact
words written on an exam to a student who has requested a reader for their exam. When serving as a
scribe, student proctors will write exactly what a student who has requested a scribe for their exam
dictates to them. Student proctors do not provide any additional supports or assistance to students
registered with the Office of Accessibility.
Must be a sophomore, junior, or senior
Credit Requirements:
o Undergraduate Students: 12 credit hours
o Graduate Students: 9 credit hours
GPA Requirements: 2.7 cumulative GPA
Ability to read aloud clearly, and for long periods of time
Ability to write legibly and quickly
MUST be punctual, flexible, and maintain great attendance
MUST be able to work during finals week
MUST have availability of at least two hour blocks of time; three hour blocks of time preferred
MUST be able to maintain high levels of confidentiality
MUST be able to read and speak test questions written in English in a way the average person is
able to understand them.
Pay Rate: Minimum Wage
Hours: As Needed Office Hours: Monday-Friday, 8AM-5PM (Fall & Spring semesters)
Student Proctor Supervisor: Natalie Bendel,
The Office of Accessibility will implement a zero tolerance policy for all proctors for tardiness
and unexcused absences.
If a student proctor has been assigned an exam and will be unable to report to the exam, it is
that proctor’s responsibility to find a replacement proctor AND communicate with their
supervisor regarding who will be proctoring the exam.
All student proctors MUST submit time off requests to their supervisor via email AT LEAST one
week in advance.
Proctors MUST arrive to their assigned exams 10 minutes prior to the start time of that exam
and stay 10 minutes after the end of the exam.
Proctors are to NEVER proctor an exam for a course they are currently enrolled in, OR a course
they anticipate enrolling in for future semesters.
Proctors are expected to ALWAYS maintain extremely high levels of confidentiality. Failure to do
so will result in immediate termination, and may result in further disciplinary action.
o All proctors will be required to sign a statement of confidentiality for every semester
they intend to proctor.
Applicants selected to move on to the next step in the hiring process will be contacted via email to set up
a brief phone interview. The position will remain open until filled.
Please do not contact our office upon submitting an application.
Office of Accessibility Student Proctor Application
Please fill out this application in its entirety, and submit your HANDWRITTEN application AND resume to
the Office of Accessibility by emailing it to or submitting it to the posting on
Handshake. Please note: the office is not open at this time to drop off applications.
Incomplete applications will not be considered.
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
UA Email: ______________________________ Phone Number: ________________________
Current Date: ___________________________ Birth Date: _____________________________
Local Address: ________________________________________________________________________
Student ID#: ____________________________ Major/Program: _________________________
Undergraduate/Graduate: ________________ Expected Graduation Date: ________________
Current Class Standing:___________________ Cumulative GPA: ________________________
Date Available to Start: ___________________
Please indicate below your availability for the semester in which you are applying.
NOTE: The Office of Accessibility is open from 8AM-5PM during fall and spring semesters, and 8AM-
4:30PM during summer semesters.
Semester: __________________ Wednesday: __________________
Monday: ___________________ Thursday: ____________________
Tuesday: ___________________ Friday: _______________________
Please list two references, not including friends or family members.
1. Name of Reference: _________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Email Address: ________________________
How long has this person known you? ___________________________________________________
2. Name of Reference: _________________________________________________________________
Relationship: _______________________________________________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Email Address: ________________________
How long has this person known you? ___________________________________________________
As proctors will be assigned to read word-for-word exams for students with this accommodation who
may not receive the written material otherwise, an individual must be able to read and speak test
questions written in English in a way the average person is able to understand them.
Please describe your ability to read English aloud (circle one): Basic Intermediate Fluent
Do you have any language proficiencies in addition to English?
To my knowledge, the information I have provided on this application and my resume are up-to-date
and accurate. I have thoroughly read the job posting and job description, understand the requirements
and expectations of this position, and believe I will be able to fulfill these requirements and expectations
in a satisfactory manner. By signing this application, I give the Office of Accessibility permission to verify
any of the information I have provided.
Signature: _____________________________________________ Date: ____________________