Aion 5.3 Patch Notes
Dredgion Defense
1. Dredgion Defense: Sanctum and Dredgion Defense: Pandaemonium have been added.
After the reawakening of the Tower of Eternity, the aetheric field surrounding Atreia has begun to
weaken. Sensing this change from her slumber deep within the Abyss, Ereshkigal has dispatched fleets
of dredgions to assault the capital cities directly.
- Dredgion Defense is a PvE instance occurring on a set schedule where large numbers of players must
work together to drive back the Balaur.
- Only one of each instance will be created each week on each server, and all applicants enter the same
map as the rest of their faction.
- Elyos will start in the Lyceum and Asmodians will start in the Capitol Building.
- When the entry window starts, the application button will remain active for 15 minutes.
Entry time
Number of Entries
Sunday from 7:00 to 7:15 PM
No Restrictions
- Rankings:
Arena of Tenacity
2. The Arena of Tenacity has been added.
A new Arena has opened! In this 1v1, single-elimination tournament, you’ll be matched with up to 31
other Archdaevas of either race!
- Only Archdaevas can enter the Arena.
- When the entry time starts, click the button to apply.
Entry Count
Entry Reset Time
Hall of Tenacity
9:00am Wednesdays
Arena of Tenacity
- After applying, players enter and wait in the Hall of Tenacity.
- An entry will be deducted when you first enter the Hall of Tenacity.
- When the instance fills or after a set period of time has passed, the bracket is drawn. At the end of the
waiting time, players are moved to the Arena of Tenacity where the battles take place.
- There are NPCs in the Hall of Tenacity that players can use to prepare for their next match.
- The bracket can be viewed by clicking the button in the upper-right corner. Your character name will
be shown in red.
- After entering the Arena, there will be a 1 minute waiting period followed by 5 minutes of battle.
- 1 minute after the battle starts, a True-Sight buff will be given every minute, which allows stealth
- Some skills and items can’t be used within the Arena of Tenacity.
Victory and Defeat
- Matches are decided in a best-of-three format, where the first to score two points wins. The finals
match is a best-of-five, where the first to three wins. One point is given for defeating the opponent.
- If the 5-minute timer expires during the match and the score is tied, a 2-minute sudden death period
starts where the first to score wins.
- If the score is still tied after sudden death, the combatant who dealt more damage will advance.
- The victor advances to the next round, and the loser returns to the Hall of Tenacity.
- If a player enters the Arena and does not have an opponent, the player gets a bye and automatically
- Rewards are given based on how far into the tournament a player makes it, and are given immediately
upon defeat or upon winning first place. Example:
● Round of 32 Results: Character A (Defeat) receives a reward, Character B (Victory) doesn’t receive a
● Round of 16 Results: Character B (Defeat) receives a reward, Character C (Victory) doesn’t receive a
● Afterwards, Character C wins all matches and receives the champion’s reward after winning the
- Rewards include Kinah, AP, GP and Season Points.
Spectator Mode
- After a match, you will remain in the Hall of Tenacity and can continue to observe matches by clicking
on the button.
- Seasons for the Arena of Tenacity will start on 3/18/2017. Seasons will run for 9 weeks each, with a 1
week break in between.
- The first season will be from 3/18/2017 5/20/2017.
- Season rankings can be checked at Start Menu Community Competition Ranking Arena of
Discipline. Both current server and cross-server rankings can be viewed.
- Rewards for season placement are GP, AP, and Kinah, and are distributed at 9AM the day after the
season ends.
Other Instance Changes
3. Added seasons to the Arena of Discipline for levels 66 75.
- Season Points will be earned based on victory or defeat in the Arena of Discipline. They are shown in
the result window after each match.
- Only characters who complete 5 ranked matches will receive rewards.
- Season rankings can be checked at Start Menu Community Competition Ranking Arena of
Discipline. Both current server and cross-server rankings can be viewed.
- Rewards for season placement are GP and will be distributed when the season ends. The top rank will
also receive a 60-day title.
4. An Aetheric Field barrier has been added to force players to clear the Dark Spore Road Gates in Fallen
Poeta one at a time.
- Each barrier disappears when the previous gate is destroyed.
5. Added EXP to rewards for Ophidan Warpath and Idgel Dome Landmark.
6. The Grounded debuff effect now applies at the Advance Unit Assembly Area in the Cradle of Eternity.
7. Changed the clearance time limit for Rank D of Fissure of Oblivion from 30 minutes to 29 minutes.
8. Fixed an issue where the Danuar Cannon in Illuminary Obelisk and Infernal Illuminary Obelisk could
not be dismounted after using the Escape skill.
9. It is now possible to transform at the resurrection point in Fissure of Oblivion.
10. Added GP rewards to the Arenas of Disipline, Chaos, and Harmony for Archdaevas, which will be
given according to the final score.
11. Increased GP rewards from the Arena of Glory.
12. Added Spinel Medal rewards to the level 66+ first and second rank reward chests in the Arena of
13. Added GP and Fragmented Spinel to the ranking reward chests of Archdaeva PvPvE instances.
Glory Points
Ophidan Warpath
750 Fragmented Spinel
Idgel Dome Landmark
750 Fragmented Spinel
Iron Wall Battleground
750 Fragmented Spinel
Kamar Battlefield
750 Fragmented Spinel
14. GP will now be rewarded for defeating key mobs in the Ashunatal Dredgion instance.
Monster Name
Glory Points
Frigate Commander Ashunatal
Menehune the Sprightly
Raima the Cruel
15. The entry level for Lower Abyss instances has been changed.
Before Change
After Change
Sulfur Tree Nest
Level 30
Level 45
Left Wing Chamber
Right Wing Chamber
Isle of Roots Storeroom
Level 40
Level 45
Twilight Battlefield Storeroom
Carpus Isle Storeroom
Hamate Isle Storeroom
Grave of Steel Storeroom
16. The Nochsana Training Camp entrance in the Lower Abyss has been closed.
17. Esoterrace can now be entered from Inggison Outpost and Gelkmaros Defense Base.
18. Lowered the HP of the Special Forces Commander Gegares mob that spawns in Fissure of Oblivion.
19. Transformation skills gained at level 75 can no longer be used in Fissure of Oblivion.
20. Changed some effects of the Fissure of Oblivion transformation skills.
Transformation: Avatar of Water
Healing Rain
- Changed the cooldown to 1 second
- Increased the HP Recovery to 2,000.
- Now recovers every 1.5 seconds for 4.5 seconds
Transformation: Avatar of Earth
Base Stats
- Lowered base attack.
Powerful Leap
- Increased damage to assassin-type targets.
- Changed the cooldown to 9 seconds
Rock Fist
Level 1 - 2
- Increased damage to assassin-type targets.
Ground Smash
- Increased damage to assassin-type targets.
Roar of the Earth
- Increased damage to assassin-type targets.
- Changed the cooldown to 15 seconds
21. The mobs that the final boss summons in Fissure of Oblivion will now disappear if the fight resets.
22. Added AP rewards for defeating key mobs in some instances.
Monster Name
Fissure of Oblivion
Special Forces Commander Gegares
Drakenseer’s Lair
Akhal the Oracle
Fallen Poeta
Brigade General Tahabata
Artifact Overlord Kroban
23. Reorganized some aspects of the Check Entry dialog.
- Difficulty information has been changed to a number instead of a graphic. Higher numbers means
higher difficulty.
- Entry level information has been replaced by recommended level. Entry level information can still be
viewed from the Map (M) window.
24. Instances can no longer be entered if the current group size is more than the instance limit. For
example, if you are in a group of two or more members, you cannot enter solo instances until you leave
the group.
1. Parts of the Abyss have been changed, and siege mechanics have been overhauled.
As Ereshkigal’s armies began to encroach on the Upper Abyss, the Elyos and Asmodians declared states
of emergency and have sent summons out to capable Daevas.
The escalation in military activity from both factions, while necessary to stem the tide of the Dragon
Lord’s minions, is sure to lead to even greater clashes between themselves as well.
- Terrain in the Upper and Lower Abyss layers has changed, and the map overall has been reduced in size.
- Sieges in Kaldor and the Abyss have been changed so that both sides attack, and defense is no longer
available during sieges. Forts will be reclaimed by the Balaur shortly before a siege begins.
- Players who are present when a siege begins can join a Coalition, which is discussed in detail below.
Only players in the Coalition can participate and receive rewards from the siege. Additional rewards are
available for the Coalition leaders.
2. Added a new group type, Coalition, and new commander skills that can be used by Coalition leaders.
- Battlefield Alliances can contain up to 576 characters, and are only available during sieges.
- 10 minutes before a siege begins, players are prompted to join the Coalition. The Coalition forms 5
minutes before the siege. Players can continue to apply during the siege, but the waiting period will be
much shorter.
- Upon joining, you will automatically leave any other group you belong to.
- In the Lower Abyss, the level limit to join a Coalition is 45. In all other areas, only Archdaevas may join.
- Players can leave a Coalition from within the Coalition window (Shift + O). They will automatically leave
if they move to another region.
- Players who join a siege very late will receive increased Abyss Points from kills.
- Coalition Leaders can expel other players, and those expelled cannot rejoin for 5 minutes. Players who
left voluntarily can rejoin immediately.
- The players with the highest ranks will be appointed as Coalition leaders, and can then transfer
leadership and manually change their rosters.
- Commander skills are available when a Coalition Leader is 1-Star Officer or higher. The level of the skills
will increase at higher ranks, so higher-ranked leaders have stronger skills.
Skill Name
Rank per Level
Summon: Battlefiel
d Kisk
30 minutes
Summons a Kisk that can register up to 576
The kisk restores the HP, MP, and flight time
of allies within 15 m every 3 seconds, and
grants a shield effect for 1 minute.
Lvl 3 - Commander
Lvl 2 - Great General
Lvl 1 - 1-Star Officer
Charge Command
15 minutes
Increases movement speed, attack/casting
speed, physical attack, and spell power of
coalition members for 3 minutes.
Lvl 3 - Great General
Lvl 2 - General
Lvl 1 - 1-Star Officer
5 minutes
Increases the PVP attack and maximum HP
of alliance members for 3 minutes.
Lvl 3 - General
Lvl 2 - 5-Star Officer
Lvl 1 - 1-Star Officer
Extermination of
the Balaur
For 2 minutes, alliance members have a
100% chance to inflict additional damage
when attacking Balaur.
Removes all debuffs from alliance members,
restores HP and creates a shield that
reduces damage received by 50% for 30
- Commander skills become available when the number of players in the alliance/league/coalition
reaches the number in the “Group Size” column.
3. Lower Abyss sieges are changed as follows:
- Level 45+ characters are prompted to join the Coalition before the siege starts. When it starts, Elyos
are moved to Teminon Landing and Asmodians to Primum Landing.
- Shugo Negotiators spawn at the start of the siege. The faction that does a better job of defending the
negotiators from Balaur will receive their assistance.
Shugo Negotiators
Sulfur Archipelago: Oharunerk
Spawns mercenaries at the Sulfur Fortress.
Spawns Oharunerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing.
Zephyr Island: Joarinerk
Spawns mercenary NPCs for 10 minutes inside the
Spawns Joarinerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing.
Leibo Island: Temirunerk
Spawns mercenary NPCs for 10 minutes inside the
fortress or in the Guardian Deity room.
Spawns Temirunerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing
Carpus Isle: Shairinerk
Spawns mercenary NPCs for 10 minutes inside the
Spawns Shairinerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing
Siel’s Left Wing: Bomishunerk
Spawns mercenaries at Siel’s Western Fortress.
Spawns Bomishunerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing
Siel’s Right Wing: Sasminerk
Spawns mercenaries at Siel’s Eastern Fortress.
Spawns Sasminerk teleporter NPC at
Teminon/Primum Landing.
- When a siege begins in the Lower Abyss, a gate spawns in the inner corridor leading to the Guardian
Deity’s chamber.
- Breaching an outer gate and the inner gates will remove the barrier around the Deity, which can then
be attacked.
- Rewards are based on contribution. All players on the winning side will receive some contribution,
while there is a minimum contribution threshold for the losing side.
4. Upper Abyss sieges are changed as follows:
- Archdaevas are prompted to join the Coalition before the siege starts. When it starts, players are
moved to the vicinity of the fortress.
- The siege score display will open when the enough players join the Coalition.
- The score display shows all three factions, and the Balaur start with 10,000 points. The Elyos and
Asmodians must take points away from them and each other during the siege.
- Regardless of who defeats the Deity, the faction with the highest final score will capture the fortress.
- If the Balaur win, or if Elyos and Asmodians are tied, the Balaur will retain control of the fort and both
other factions will receive rewards as though they had lost the siege.
- Rewards are based on contribution. All players on the winning side will receive some contribution,
while there is a minimum contribution threshold for the losing side.
- Due to these changes, the Upper Abyss Landings have been reset.
- The level and stats of creatures in the Upper and Lower Abyss have been increased.
5. Changed the mechanics for Wealhtheow’s Keep in Kaldor.
- Similar to the Abyss forts, defense will no longer be available. Balaur will recapture the fort before the
next siege starts.
- Players near the fort at the start of the siege will be moved to their race’s friendly settlement, and can
use the siege vehicles for the siege. Items used with the siege vehicles can be purchased from
consumables merchants nearby.
- After 2 successful sieges, the fort’s Guardian will spawn for 2 hours and players will receive related
quests automatically when they approach the keep.
- Changed some Artifact settings in Kaldor.
Before Change
After Change
Hellfire Array
3300 damage 5 times
3900 damage 5 times
Soul Crush
2000 MP damage 5 times
95% MP damage 5 times
6. The forts in Inggison and Gelkmaros have been decommissioned, and sieges will no longer take place
there. Artifacts there have also been deactivated.
7. The siege schedule has been changed.
Upper Abyss
Kysis +
Krotan +
Miren +
8. Due to the Abyss changes, characters that were in the Abyss or had their bind point registered there
at the time of the update will be affected as follows:
- All characters in the Abyss will be moved to Teminon Landing (Elyos) or Primum Landing (Asmodians).
- Characters registered at the Upper Abyss Landings will be re-registered to Teminon Landing (Elyos) or
Primum Landing (Asmodians).
9. Changed the settings and location of some Lower Abyss artifacts.
Before Change
After Change
Abyssal Aura
800 damage every 4 seconds for
12 seconds
1000 damage every 3 seconds
for 15 seconds
Daevic Efflux
Located on the Eastern Ridge
Located on the Northern Ridge
Tenebrous Cloak
Located on the Western Ridge
Located on the Eastern Ridge
Abyssal Aegis
Located on the Northern Ridge
Located on the Western Ridge
10. Changed Landing Level rewards for the Upper Abyss Landings. Other than the below changes, the
benefits remain the same as before.
Landing Level
Level 3
Removed Inggison and Gelkmaros corridors
Added Levinshor and Kaldor corridors
Flux Merchant
Level 4
Levinshor and Kaldor Corridors
Added Fissure of Oblivion Entrance Officer
Added Blood Medal Consumables Officer
Level 5
Illuminary Obelisk Entrance Officer
Theobomos Test Chamber Entrance Officer
Blood Medal Consumables Officer
Adma’s Fall Entrance Officer
Flux Merchant
Level 6
Danuar Reliquary Entrance Officer
Drakenseer’s Lair Entrance Officer
Blood Mark Equipment Officer
2 entries to Theobomos Test Chamber
2 entries to Adma's Fall
Blood Medal Equipment Officer
Level 7
Infinity Shard Entrance Officer
Added Fallen Poeta Entrance Officer
Additional entries to Illuminary Obelisk,
Infernal Illuminary Obelisk
Added 3 entries to Drakenseer’s Lair
Additional entries to Danuar Reliquary,
Infernal Danuar Reliquary
Level 8
Eternal Bastion Entrance Officer
Added 3 entries to Fallen Poeta
Additional entries to Infinity Shard
Added 4 entries to Archives of Eternity
Additional entries to Eternal Bastion
Added 4 entries to Cradle of Eternity
11. Changed the spawn settings for Protector Spirits.
- When the fort has been captured a certain number of times by the same faction, the Protector Spirit
will spawn.
- The captures do not need to be consecutive.
- There will be a 5 minute delay before spawning for Abyss Forts, that will be communicated via system
Number of captures
Lower Abyss
Sulfur Fortress
5 times each by Elyos/Asmodians
Siel’s Western Fortress
Siel’s Eastern Fortress
Upper Abyss
Krotan Fortress
2 times each by Elyos/Asmodians
Kysis Fortress
Miren Fortress
Wealhtheow’s Keep
2 times each by Elyos/Asmodians
12. Added weekly rewards for Abyss Rank.
- Rewards for different ranks can be viewed in the “Weekly Reward” column in the Abyss Rank window.
- Weekly rewards are delivered to the player’s mail at 12:00 PM (noon) each Monday.
13. Added an Elite Siege Weapon that can be crafted via Aetherforging.
- Some material items can be bought from the Aetherforging material merchants in Iluma and Norsvold.
14. Kisks can no longer be set up around Wealhtheow’s Keep in Kaldor.
1. Added a custom skill chains function. Access it in Skills (K) Custom Chains.
- This feature allows players to set custom chains, so skills that are not normally related to each other
can be triggered like a chain skill.
- Each player can have up to 5 custom chains, and each chain can have up to 4 skills.
- If a natural chain skill is placed into a custom chain, its natural chain will complete before moving onto
the next custom chain skill. For example, if Quick Slash and Sudden Attack are registered in the custom
chain, the order of use will be Quick Slash Soul Slash Sudden Attack Back Slash Back Strike.
- Conditional skills must still have their conditions met.
2. Changed some Archdaeva transformation skills.
Transformation: Avatar of Water
Healing Rain
- Changed the cooldown to 1 second
- Increased the HP Recovery to 2,000.
- Now recovers every 1.5 seconds for 4.5 seconds
Transformation: Avatar of Earth
Base Stats
- Lowered base attack.
Powerful Leap
- Increased damage.
- Changed the cooldown to 9 seconds
Rock Fist
Level 1 - 2
- Increased damage.
Ground Smash
- Increased damage.
Roar of the Earth
- Increased damage.
- Changed the cooldown to 15 seconds
3. Added a new Archdaeva skill, Boost Godstone Resistance.
- Requires 3 Essence per level, and can be increased up to +4.
- Each level increases Godstone Activation Suppression by 0.2%, and can be boosted up to 1.0%.
4. Level 75 Archdaeva Transformations can now be used in Panesterra.
5. Fixed a problem where the chain skills for some Transformation: Vessel of (Wind/Fire/Water/Earth)
skills could not be acquired.
- If you were affected by this issue, please reset your Essence and re-acquire the Vessel skill.
6. Improved the quickbar so status icons can now be registered.
- Once the status is satisfied, the icon will become a conditional skill related to that status (see diagram
- Status icons can be found in Skill Chains.
7. Fixed an issue where the Spiritmaster’s Summon Group Member skill couldn’t be used in some areas
of Gelkmaros.
1. Changed the locations of Obelisks in the capital cities to the Exalted Path (Elyos) and Vifrost Bridge
2. The arrival spot designated for Return Scroll items in the capital cities has been changed to the new
Obelisk locations.
3. New windstreams have been added to the Upper Abyss to facilitate movement between fortresses
and islands.
- The windstream starts from the Upper Abyss Landings and end at Kysis Island.
- Players can get on or off in the middle of the windstream.
4. Fixed an issue where an Asmodian NPC would spawn instead of an Elyos NPC following Flag Capture
battles in Iluma near Ariel’s Sanctuary.
Glory Points
1. Changed the mechanics of Glory Points (GP).
- GP will no longer be deducted on a daily basis for 1-Star Officer or higher.
- In order to maintain a rank of 1-Star Officer or higher, a player must gain at least 1,450 GP in a month.
Players who fail to meet this requirement are demoted to Soldier Rank 1 or below according to their AP.
1. Equipment Sets are now supported.
- The Equipment Sets button is at the bottom of the Profile Info screen. To make room for it, Legion
Cloak display has been moved above the wings slot.
- Equipment Sets can be dragged to the Quickbar to facilitate swapping between them.
- Sets can be named.
- Your current gear can be applied to a set by clicking the “Current Equipment” button at the bottom of
the Equipment Sets window.
2. Archdaevas will no longer fall when their Flight Charge is exhausted during flight, and can remain in
- If they remain flying, they will become immobilized and cannot gather materials.
- They can continue to use skills and items, and if they recover Flight Time (by using potions, for
example), they will be able to fly again.
3. Lowered the amount of experience gained from Essencetapping and Aethertapping.
4. Characters can now use the Return skill during flight.
5. Fixed an issue where flight time would continue to decrease even after being dismounted by being
attacked, if the mount was sprinting at the time.
6. Changed the format of the window that pops up at character death.
- A single window now presents all resurrection methods available.
- A new resurrection method, Bind Point Resurrection, has been added, which allows resurrection at
Teleport Bind Points. This is especially useful in cases where the character dies in a zone they are not
Obelisk bound to.
- Bind point resurrection has been added to the following regions:
Added Regions
6. Increased the number of bot reports that players can make from 10 to 30.
7. Added information on the number of titles acquired to the Profile Titles window, in the Acquired
Titles area.
- Normal Titles (Special Titles) / Max Normal Titles
8. Added bind points to facilitate resurrection in the following regions:
Lower Abyss
Silentera Canyon
9. Fixed an issue where players could be sent to abnormal coordinates in the Abyss by using the Abyss
Teleporter in Cygnea and Enshar.
10. Fixed an issue where some scout posts couldn’t be reached when going to a sky island via the
Protector Frigate Support Officer in Iluma and Norsvold.
11. Added a group unity buff that will increase in power based on group size.
- Offline party members, and party members on different servers, do not count towards the party total.
Group Unity Benefit I
2-3 players
Attack +1
Magic Boost +5
EXP +3%
Group Unity Benefit II
4-5 players
Attack +3
Magic Boost +15
MP +100
EXP +6%
Group Unity Benefit III
6 players
Attack +5
Magic Boost +25
MP +100
HP +100
EXP +10%
12. Groups can now merge.
- Only a group leader can send or accept group merge invitations.
- Invitations can only be sent if the group has fewer than 6 members, and the resulting group would be a
maximum of 6 members.
- The group leader that sent the invitation will be the leader of the new group.
1. The Atreian Passport has been overhauled.
- The Gift tab has been removed, and the window has been reskinned. Previously unclaimed rewards will
be mailed to each character when the update launches.
- Clicking the “Take” button will immediately deposit the reward in your inventory.
- Stamps will only reset when the 28
reward is received, and will not reset at the start of each month.
- You will be able to see the time remaining until the next stamp is available.
2. Added the Atreian Bestiary.
- The Bestiary tracks monster kills in Iluma and Norsvold. Kills from before the update are not counted,
and all monsters will start at 0.
- Killing the same monster repeatedly works towards unlocking stages of rewards.
- The feature can be found under Start Menu Atreian Bestiary.
- The book is divided into Asmodae and Elysea. Click in the upper left corner of the book to switch
- Monsters are sorted by Normal and Rare categories. There is also a view that displays all monsters.
Change categories by clicking at the top of the left page.
- Once kills start to be accumulated, the monster portrait will become highlighted.
- At the bottom of the right page, you can find information on where to locate specific monster types.
This is not available for rare monsters, which must be found in the world. Depending on where they
spawn, some other monsters might be hidden as well.
3. An Event window has been added that will show players what items they can obtain by remaining
logged in, and any requirements they have to meet such as level or subscription status.
- The window displays immediately upon login. Click “Close this popup” to close it until the next day and
remove the HUD button.
- The window can be accessed by clicking the HUD button (only if “Close this popup” was not checked
today), or by going to Start Menu Event.
- The window is only displayed if items are currently available.
4. Added an equipment slot to the Profile Info window for the Empyrean Bracelet.
- The Empyrean Plume slot has been moved to make room for it.
5. Changed the way the fee is paid when items are registered at the trade broker.
- The initial registration fee is now smaller, and the remainder is paid after the item is sold. Previously,
the entire fee was paid at registration.
- If an item is not sold within the time limit, the remaining fee is not deducted.
- The remaining fee will be taken out directly from the item price. The net profit can be checked in the
Broker window.
- For items registered before the update, no additional fee will be collected as the full fee has already
been paid.
6. Changed the way characters of the enemy faction are displayed on the compass at different altitudes.
- Enemy faction characters more than 25m above or below the player will show as semi-transparent
- Enemy faction characters out of the field of vision are now displayed on the compass.
7. The key mapping to select the nearest enemy PC will now prioritize the most recently attacked
8. Added an option in System Preferences Game Options Interface to prevent the Esc key from
opening the System Menu.
9. Fixed an issue where legion warehouse logs would not record the splitting of stacked items.
10. Fixed an issue where distance information would be displayed incorrectly when an Aethertech is
riding a mount.
11. When the Quickbar is refreshed after using a transformation skill, the existing Quickbar shortcut keys
1 to 5 will now be assigned automatically.
12. Added a shortcut key (Shift + O) for the Coalition window. This can be modified in System
Preferences Key Settings Open/Close Window.
13. Changed the alert effect that displays when the ship of the opposing race appears at sky islands in
Iluma and Norsvold.
14. Changed chatting authority for Leagues to all members in the Alliance.
15. Made improvements to Essence Points so they are more convenient to allocate.
- Essence can be increased or decreased by 10 points by holding the Shift key while clicking up or down.
- Essence can be increased or decreased by the maximum by holding the Ctrl key while clicking up or
- Added information explaining this in a tooltip that displays when hovering over the + or buttons.
- Fixed an issue where clicking too fast could cause some clicks to not register when increasing or
decreasing Essence.
16. Added new functionality, and reorganized the Gear Modification Window.
- Available options will now sort to the top of the window for a given piece of gear.
Usable Functions
Omega Enchanting
Manastone Socketing
Godstone Socketing
Refine Essence Core
Add Idian
Reassign Skill Boost
Level Reduction
AP Extraction
Modify Appearance
Remove Manastone
Remove Armsfusion
Remove Dye
Remove Appearance
17. Changed some functionality in the Map window.
- Players can now scale up and down through the various map levels (World / Region / Zone) by left and
right clicking respectively.
- To quickly reach the World map, click the button in the upper right as before.
18. Improved the colors for different price levels when purchasing weapons, armor and other single
items in the sales window.
19. Added a new buff effect, Abyssal Favor.
- This functions similarly to Berdin’s Favor, but with Abyss Points. To charge it, use Abyssal Stars.
- The way it interacts with various methods of gaining AP are as follows:
Abyssal Favor Applied
Abyssal Favor Not Applied
Killing monsters
Relic exchange
Killing enemy PCs
Equipment extraction
Direct AP instance rewards
Quest AP rewards
20. When sky island assault frigates become available or end, the message will now appear in the chat
window as well.
21. Added a function to view loading screens at Start Menu Help View Loading Screens.
22. Fixed an issue where Stigma Masters would not show up on the Map window in certain areas of the
Upper Abyss, even though they were spawning there.
Essence Cores
1. Essence Cores, which can be equipped by Archdaevas to increase their Essence supply, have been
- Essence Cores can be equipped on the Profile Essence Core window.
- Up to 3 can be equipped simultaneously depending on your level. Slots are unlocked automatically at
levels 66, 68 and 70. Existing Archdaevas will have the appropriate number of slots unlocked at the
- Essence Cores can be crafted via Aetherforging.
- Essence Cores can be refined with Omega Enchantment Stones and Essence Core Solution, the latter of
which drops from bosses in the following Archdaeva instances:
Theobomos Test Chamber
Adma’s Fall
Drakenseer’s Lair
Fallen Poeta
Archives of Eternity
Cradle of Eternity
Empyrean Bracelets
2. Added Empyrean Bracelets.
- Bracelets are a new type of accessory, similar to Plumes. They can be purchased from the Empyrean
Accessory Tuner NPCs in each capital city.
- Bracelets provide PvP defense as their base stat, and Tempering the item adds more bonuses.
Tempering Level
Mana Stone Slot
Additional Stats
Appearance Effect
Level 5
+1 (1 total)
Level 6
+PvP Attack at Level 6+
Level 7
+1 (2 total)
Level 10
+1 (3 total)
- When Tempering fails, the Bracelet returns to level 0. Any manastone slots will be lost, and socketed
manastones will be destroyed.
Other Item Changes
3. Added an auto-recharge function to Berdin’s Favor.
- Right-click the Berdin’s Favor icon to turn it on.
- When active, Berdin’s Lucky Star will be used automatically when the gauge falls below 4%.
4. Added a new medal type, Spinel Medals, as well as Fragmented Spinel.
- 1,000 Fragmented Spinel can be combined into 1 Spinel Medal.
- Spinel Medals are used to purchase Abyss equipment for Archdaevas.
5. Added new Archdaeva equipment.
- Added new Abyss equipment sets, Prime Archon/Prime Guardian, that can be purchased with Spinel
Medals from the below NPCs.
NPC Name
Feita, Tegrao, Rapaeon
Walk of Fame
Ridar, Saubak, Kapanem
Hall of Fame
- Added Frigida Legion equipment that be obtained from the Dredgion Defense instances and in the
Upper Abyss.
- When tempering accessories from these new sets fails, the accessory is destroyed and some items are
returned based on the accessory’s set and tempering level as indicated below.
Accessory Type
Issued Items
Prime Guardian/Archon,
Prime Guardian/Archon Captain
Chaotic Belus Stone Fragment
Magic Chaotic Belus Stone Fragment (chance)
Frigida Legion,
Frost Mark
Chaotic Dimension Stone Fragment
Magic Chaotic Dimension Stone Fragment (chance)
- Assemble 10 (Magic) Chaotic Belus Stone Fragments to create a (Magic) Chaotic Belus Stone, which can
be exchanged for Abyss Points at the following NPCs:
NPC Name
Ariel’s Sanctuary in Iluma
Azphel's Sanctuary in Norsvold
- Assemble 10 (Magic) Chaotic Dimension Stone Fragments to create a (Magic) Chaotic Dimension Stone,
which can be crafted into different Dimension Stones via Aetherforging.
6. Added a new medal exchange fountain to the main bases in Iluma and Norsvold.
- Ceramium Medals can be exchanged to Spinel Medals at the same rate as other medal exchange
7. Medal exchange fountains in the Lower Abyss, which exchange Silver Medals for Gold Medals, can
now also be used to exchange Gold to Platinum.
8. Added new Aetherforging recipes. Some are unlocked by default, and others require design items.
- Equipment designs can be purchased from Special Equipment Design Merchants in Norsvold and Iluma.
- Pet egg designs can be purchased from Special Design Merchants in some villages.
9. Changed the number of gathering attempts and number of items gathered when collecting materials
from material nodes to make it more convenient and standardized.
Node Type
Gathering Attempts
Items Per Attempt
Before Change
After Change
Before Change
After Change
Aerial (Aether)
10. Added information about Aetherforging to the Crafting Association’s Secret enchant effect tooltip.
11. Fixed an issue where +15 and +20 enchantment effects did not display for Lanmark’s Greatsword.
12. Fixed an issue where bonus items obtained from Coalescence were not displayed in the results
13. Vital Recovery Potion can now be used by both Daevas and Archdaevas.
14. Added a pet that gives Aetherforging material bundles as rewards.
- The pet can be obtained through Aetherforging, and gives various grades of bundles.
15. Crests from Sillus, Silona and Pradeth fortresses are now terminated items and can be sold for AP.
Item Name
Sales Price
Sillus Crest
450 Abyss Points
Silona Crest
560 Abyss Points
Pradeth Crest
560 Abyss Points
16. Some quest items that are no longer used anywhere in the game are now terminated items and can
be sold. They will no longer drop in the world.
17. Platinum Medals can now be traded.
18. Fixed an issue where level 41 Ghost weapons would not display +15 enchant effects.
19. Terminated items can no longer be traded or stored in warehouses.
20. Added an Aetherforging formula for Enchantment Stone Powder bundles.
- The formula is learned automatically and requires materials purchased from Kalio in Iluma or Querendil
in Norsvold.
21. Improved Coalescence item registration.
- A warning message now pops up when an enchanted or tempered item is being registered.
- In the View All window, equipped items no longer show up on the list, and enchanted or tempered
items sort to the bottom.
22. Fixed an issue with equipment purification where unique item skills were shown in the preview even
when there are no item skills for that particular equipment.
23. Coalescence now costs Kinah after free attempts have been used.
- It can be attempted for free 3 times per day.
- The free attempts are reset at 9AM every morning.
24. Increased the drop rate of equipment from enemy NPCs that infiltrate via the Sky Island and land in
Iluma and Norsvold.
25. Improved Aetherforging, so the materials that the player has in possession are shown when “View
Craftable” is checked.
26. The Aetherforging: Old Noble’s Hat design can now be purchased from an NPC.
Merchant NPC Name
27. Ancient manastone slots have been converted to normal manastone slots.
- Ancient manastones can now be socketed into any slot, but cannot be placed on Archdaeva equipment.
- For gear that already has manastones, but empty manastone slots, the empty slots must be filled
before the manastones can be removed.
28. Augmenting rank restrictions have been removed.
29. Added a two-way return scroll that can be purchased from General Goods Merchants in the capital
- Players using the scroll will teleport to the capital city, and then click the icon next to the compass to
return within 10 minutes to their original location.
- The scrolls cannot be used in some areas, and will display a system message stating so.
30. Stores don’t sell dye removers and appearance removers anymore, and remaining items have been
turned to terminated items.
31. Fixed a problem where pet accessories could not be applied during pet hatching.
32. When failing to enchant an Archdaeva item, the chance that the manastones or godstone will be
returned has increased, but Enchantment Stone Powder will no longer be automatically received.
1. Due to the reduction in size of the Abyss, changes to siege mechanics and removal of the Inggison and
Gelkmaros sieges from the schedule, all in-progress quests related to this content have been removed
from characters.
- All acquired and ongoing quests are abandoned, and players can visit each area again to receive new
2. Added quests related to Coalescence.
Acquired Level
Quest Name
Acquisition NPC
Archdaeva Technique
<Daeva of Zephyr>
Archdaeva Ability
<Shadow Executor>
3. Added new Campaign missions for Archdaevas that are automatically obtained at level 66+.
Quest Name
Trouble Back Home
The Aether Field
4. Added quests related to the forts and sieges in the Upper/Lower Abyss and Kaldor.
Lower Abyss
[Alliance] Face Siel's Western Guardian
[Alliance] Siel’s Western Guardian
[Daily] Occupy Siel's Western Fortress
[Daily] The Left Wing Chamber
[Urgent Order] Capturing the West
[Urgent Order] The Enraged Western
[Urgent Order] Tactics and Rage
[Urgent Order] Quick, While They’re
[Alliance] Face Siel's Eastern Guardian
[Alliance] Siel’s Eastern Fortress
[Daily] Occupy Siel's Eastern Fortress
[Daily] The Right Wing Chamber
[Urgent Order] Capturing the East
[Urgent Order] The Enraged Eastern
[Urgent Order] Defeat Siel's Enraged
[Urgent Order] Now’s Our Chance!
[Alliance] A Fine Strategy
[Alliance] Sulfur’s Guardian
[Daily] Asmodians at Sulfur Tree
[Daily] The Sulfur Tree Nest
[Urgent Order] Sulfur's Enraged Protector
[Urgent Order] The Enraged Sulfur Guardian
[Urgent Order] Asmodians at Sulfur Tree
[Urgent Order] Strike While They're
Upper Abyss
[Alliance] Krotan’s Guardian
[Alliance] The Guardian of Krotan Fortress
[Daily] The Enraged Krotan Lord
[Daily] Clearing Out Krotan Fortress
[Daily] The Enraged Krotan
[Daily] Eliminate the Guardian of the Krotan
[Daily] They'll Never See Us
[Daily] Reclaim Krotan Fortress
[Alliance] Miren’s Guardian
[Alliance] The Guardian of Miren Fortress
[Daily] The Enraged Miren Prince
[Daily] Clearing Out Miren Fortress
[Daily] Claiming Miren Fortress
[Daily] Eliminate the Guardian of the Miren
[Daily] Take Them By Surprise!
[Daily] Reclaim Miren Fortress
[Alliance] Kysis’ Guardian
[Alliance] The Guardian of Kysis Fortress
[Daily] The Enraged Kysis Duke
[Daily] Clearing Out Kysis Fortress
[Daily] The Enraged Kysis
[Daily] Eliminate the Guardian of the Kysis
[Daily] The Time is Now!
[Daily] Reclaim Kysis Fortress
[Alliance] Secure Wealhtheow's Keep
[Alliance] The Guardian General
[Urgent Order] Enraged Wealhtheow Guardian
[Urgent Order] The Enraged Wealhtheow Guardian
[Urgent Order] Split Them Up
[Urgent Order] Take Them Out!
5. Added daily quests for each fortress, available from the Centurion or Captain NPC at the fortresses.
[Alliance] Blinding Krotan's Sentries
[Alliance] Eliminate Krotan's Sentries
[Alliance] Take the Veteran Scouts
[Alliance] Eliminate Krotan's Veterans
[Alliance] Destroy Krotan's Gate
[Alliance] Fortress Crashers
[Alliance] Blinding Miren's Sentries
[Alliance] Eliminate Miren's Sentries
[Alliance] Fight for Miren!
[Alliance] Battle for Miren Fortress
[Alliance] The Battle for Miren Fortress
[Alliance] Take the Gate!
[Alliance] Fight for Kysis!
[Alliance] Fight for Kysis Fortress!
[Alliance] The Battle for Kysis Fortress
[Alliance] Battle for Kysis Fortress
[Alliance] The Kysis Gate
[Alliance] Kysis Fortress Gate
[Alliance] Battle for Wealhtheow's Keep
[Alliance] Eliminate Wealhtheow's
[Alliance] Leaders of Wealhtheow's Keep
[Alliance] Eliminate Wealhtheow’s
[Alliance] Gate Crasher
[Alliance] Destroy Wealhtheow's Gate
[Alliance] The Elite Soldiers
[Alliance] Battle for Siel's Western Fortress
[Alliance] Siel's Western Fortress
[Alliance] Leaders of the West
[Alliance] Open the Way
[Alliance] The Western Fortress Gate
[Alliance] Defeat the Elites
[Alliance] Battle for Siel's Eastern Fortress
[Alliance] Defeat the Drakan
[Alliance] Leaders of the East
[Alliance] The Way In
[Alliance] The Eastern Fortress Gate
[Alliance] The Sulfur Tree Elites
[Alliance] Battle for Sulfur Fortress
[Alliance] Kill the Commander
[Alliance] Sulfur Tree Leaders
[Alliance] The Gate Your Weapon
[Alliance] Sulfur Tree Gate
6. Added new Urgent Order quests that are acquired automatically in the Lower Abyss or Sullenscale
[Urgent Order/Daily] Sulfuric Invaders
[Urgent Order/Daily] Sulfuric Enemy
[Urgent Order/Daily] Invaders in the West
[Urgent Order/Daily] Enemies in the West
[Urgent Order/Daily] Invaders in the East
[Urgent Order/Daily] Enemies in the East
[Urgent Order/Daily] Sullenscale Invaders
[Urgent Order/Daily] Sullenscale Enemies
7. Added PvP quests to the Lower Abyss.
- Quests can be acquired by wearing the title obtained from the Elyos quest “Taranis's Emergency
Orders” or the Asmodian quest “Votan’s Emergency Orders.”
[Urgent Order] 9
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 9
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 8
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 8
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 7
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 7
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 6
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 6
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 5
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 5
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 4
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 4
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 3
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 3
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 2
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 2
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] 1
Rank Asmodians
[Urgent Order] 1
Rank Elyos
[Urgent Order] Eliminate Asmodian Officers
[Urgent Order] Eliminate Elyos Officers
[Urgent Order] Eliminate Asmodian Generals
[Urgent Order] Eliminate Elyos Generals
8. Added 2 quests to the Esoterrace instance.
Quest Name
[Instance/Group] Helping at Esoterrace
[Instance/Group] The Drana Farm
[Instance/Group] The Drana Experiment
[Instance/Group] Reclaiming Esoterrace
9. Added quests for the Dredgion Defense instances, that can be acquired upon entering the instance.
Quest Name
[Urgent Order] Orders for Sanctum
[Urgent Order] The Frigida Legion
[Urgent Order] Kill the Commander
[Urgent Order] Pandaemonium Invasion
10. Added a quest to the Arena of Tenacity.
Quest Name
Acquisition NPC
The Hall of Tenacity
<Red Sand Traders>
11. Raised the acquisition and required levels and changed parts of some Lower Abyss missions.
12. Raised the acquisition level of the Abyss entry missions “The Last Test” for Elyos and “The Last
Checkpoint” for Asmodians to 45.
- Characters who already have either quest can enter the Abyss after completing it at level 45.
13. Deleted some quests in Levinshor, Cygnea and Enshar that awarded Ceramium Medals.
14. Revised some quests for Legion Task Level 8.
15. Fixed an issue in the Elyos quest “The One Who Rules the Sky” where some quest objects could not
be attacked at close range.
16. Raised the acquisition level of some quests in Iluma and Norsvold to match the required level for the
quest areas.
17. Changed the acquisition and required levels and rewards of Upper Abyss quests.
18. Fixed an issue where incorrect system messages would display after completing the daily Lower
Abyss quest “Redeeming Ladacus”.
19. Fixed an issue where Jafnhar would not appear in the correct location during the quest Jafnhar’s
20. Changed the NPC for Steel Rake quests to Kurochinerk and Hudrunerk in Heiron and Beluslan,
21. Increased the number of Blood Medals and Blood Marks awarded for Abyss quests.
22. Increased the amount of GP given for some PvP quests, and added Fragmented Spinel to the
23. Changed the quest rewards for the Ashunatal Dredgion.
- Changed the time after which the Weapon Chest appears again for the following quests.
Quest Title
[Group] Obtaining the Ashunatal Supplies
[Group] All-out Dredgion Attack
[Group] Seizing the Ashunatal Supplies
[Group] All-out Dredgion Assault
24. Removed dye remover from some quest rewards.
25. Fixed a problem where reward equipment had a lower level than the mission for the quest Deliver
on Your Promises.
26. Added an Abandon option to the Quest Indicator window. It can be accessed by clicking the gear
icon in the upper right hand corner of a quest.
27. Increased the maximum number of quests that can be accepted to 50.
Luna Shop
1. Dorinerk’s Wardrobe pricing has been updated.
- The price for overwriting an existing costume slot has been removed.
- The price for applying a skin has been changed to a flat 12 Luna, regardless of what equipment slot it is
for or how many times the same skin has been applied. The initial application is still free.
2. Munirunerk’s Treasure Chest has had its top rewards updated.
- New rewards are in bold.
- To reflect the increased value of the chest, the price has been increased to 5 Luna per open.
Munirunerk’s Treasure Chest
Prime Royal Captain Weapon Box
Prime Royal Captain Armor Box
Prime Royal Captain Accessory Box
+6 Manastone Bundle
[Event] Tempering Solution
+5 Manastone Bundle
[Event] Omega Enchantment Stone
Unbinding Stone
Major Stigma Bundle
Skill Boost Reassignment Scroll
Major Felicitous Socketing Box (Mythic)
Enchantment Stone (3)
[Event] Level Reduction Stone
Ceramium Medal (2)
Spinel Medal
Major Ancient Crown (2)
Greater Stigma Bundle
[Event] Blood Medal Bundle (10)
Illusion Godstone Bundle
[Event] Heroic Godstone Bundle
Blood Mark (30)
Pallasite Crystal (10)
[Event] Fabled Godstone Bundle
Ancient Coin (100)
[Event] Noble Composite Manastone Bundle
[Event] Dye Bundle
Enchantment Stone Powder (2000)
Greater Courage Scrolll (10)
Tea of Repose - 100% Recovery
[Event] Drana Coffee (5)
Fragmented Spinel (10)
Fresh Oily Plucar Dragon Salad (20)
Greater Running Scrolll (10)
Fresh Oily Plucar Dragon Soup (20)
Greater Awakening Scrolll (10)
1. With the removal of Inggison and Gelkmaros fortresses in Balaurea, some merchant NPCs have been
NPC Name
Sold Item
<Material Merchant>
Carved Master Fragments
<Essencetapping Items>
Morph Methods
<Aethertapping Items>
Morph Methods
<Material Merchant>
Carved Master Fragments
<Essencetapping Items>
Morph Methods
<Aethertapping Items>
Morph Methods
2. Abyss items purchasable with Abyss Points and Platinum Medals can now be purchased from the
following merchants in Reshanta.
NPC Name
Teminon Fortress
Opeira <Fine Weapons Merchant>
Ruosie <Fine Armor Merchant>
Dallion <Fine Accessory Merchant>
Primum Fortress
Rodie <Fine Weapons Merchant>
Yeperk <Fine Armor Merchant>
Kauer <Fine Accessory Merchant>
3. Added EXP to the mobs in Ashunatal Dredgion.
4. Changed the level of Special Operations NPCs in Iluma and Norsvold.
5. Changed the appearance of teleport devices deployed in various Elyos and Asmodian territories.
6. The Contaminated Memory debuff used by the Shadow of Oblivion in Fissure of Oblivion can now be
removed only by the skill Healing Rain.
7. Changed some combat patterns of the world bosses Ferson and Ventus in Norsvold.
8. Due to the changes to siege mechanics, legion NPCs have been replaced by Stigma Masters.
9. Changed the properties and stats of some mobs in Fissure of Oblivion.
- Special Forces Commander Gegares will have a random monster type (Warrior/Assassin/Mage/Special).
- Special Forces Commander Gegares and Elite Bakarma Captain are now vulnerable to status effects.
10. Added a teleport route leading to the Upper Abyss from the Lower Abyss.
11. The “Show/Hide Other Characters” option in System Preferences Key Settings Functions no
longer affects Kisks.
12. Added convenience features for Sky Island Invasions.
- Added an icon for invasions in Iluma and Norsvold that display on the map.
Asmodian Assault Frigate
Elyos Assault Frigate
- Added NPCs that allow movement to the outpost nearest to the invaded island.
Frigate Support
Commissioned Officer
Ariel’s Sanctuary
Azphel’s Sanctuary
13. Added NPCs to convert between Blood Medals and Blood Marks to the Upper Abyss Landings.
NPC Function
<Blood Mark Exchanger>
<Blood Mark Exchanger>
Exchanges Blood Marks to Blood
<Blood Medal Exchanger>
<Blood Medal Exchanger>
Exchanges Blood Medals to Blood
14. Sidekick Summoners have been deleted, and their functionality wrapped into the Pet Minder NPC.
15. Functionality that was wrapped into the Gear Modification window has been deleted from
associated NPCs.
- Manastone Remover, Appearance Modification, Armsfusion
- Deleted all Manastone Remover NPCs from areas outside of the capital cities.
16. Decreased the attack of the Pesky Drakie at Sulfur Tree Nest.
17. Fixed an issue where the Leaf Orpi Matriarch had an incorrect spawn location.
Prestige Pack
1. The Prestige Case has had its prizes renewed.
Prestige Case
Tempering Solution
Omega Enchantment Stone
Major Danuar Relic
Ancient Coin (10)
Administrator’s Boon – 1-Time Pass
Blood Mark (10)
Ceramium Medal
Blood Medal (10)
Enchantment Stone Dust (500)
Fragmented Spinel (500)
Berdin’s Lucky Star
Value Boost Pack (1 Day)
2. The Prestige Society Vending Machine has had its item list revamped.
Large Greater Supplements Bag (Mythic)
Large Greater Supplements Bag (Eternal)
Luna Material Chest
Tike Manastone Bundle: +5
Level Reduction Stone
Skill Boost Reassignment Scroll
Lockbox Key Pouch
Major Deep Conditioning: Level 2
Mini Hyperion Egg (30 day)
Rudra Egg (30 day)
Major Blessed Augment: Level 2
Secret Document
Vindachinerk's Brillant Abyss Armor Extraction Tool
Vindachinerk's Brillant Abyss Weapon Extraction Tool
Dazzling Daevanion Box
Vindachinerk's Brilliant Abyss Accessory Extraction Tool
[Event] Rx: Accelerox
[Event] Rx: Blitzopan
[Event] Rx: Castafodin
[Event] Rx: Critozyne
[Event] Rx: Mojocycline
Strengthened Desert Fox Transformation Candy Box
Brave Aion's Steel Transformation Candy Box
Prudent Aion's Steel Transformation Candy Box
Tea of Repose - 100% Recovery
Berdin's 50% XP Amulet IV
Berdin's 50% XP Amulet V
Administrator's Boon - 7 Day Pass
[Event] Nutritious Meal for Shugorobo