This guide seeks to provide a hub for access to all current information about Feral, as well as provide a smooth &
easy introduction to the feral spec. I am Xanzara, and I am most easily available on Discord (Xanzara#2469), where I
am a very frequent commenter in the feral part of Dreamgrove, the druid discord community (available at
https://discord.gg/29VewCB). If you have any questions not answered in this guide, or other feedback feel free to
send me a direct message on there!
If you were new to the feral community, in addition to the discord, I would recommend you to visit the
http://fluiddruid.net, which is mostly a feral specific forum where you can find a lot of information and additional
discussion about the spec.
I have also personally started streaming more, and will stream more feral druid gameplay at my Twitch
(https://twitch.tv/xanzaraa) and on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVjHkPg-
BiaPvKP0N4oWg9w) whenever I do mythic raids.
This guide attempts to provide information for both for the fresh druid and the intermediate druid as well as provide
up to date information about talent choice and trinket rankings, it also contains a Q/A section where common
questions asked about feral will be answered. If there is a question burning on your mind, please do not hesitate to
contact me (or ask any of the knowledgeable Ferals on Discord/The Fluid Druid) and I will try to provide an answer!
There are a few notable things missing from this guide, trinkets and legendries are the biggest two. They will be
added very soon as they are currently under very heavy scrutiny.
Most of this guide is current for the Legion release; I will update specific parts of this guide, somewhat regularly
leading up to the release of mythic raids (and ideally beyond!) but for the most up-to-date information will always
lag somewhat behind.
If you were looking for answers to a specific question, I would recommend skipping to the FAQ part immediately and
see if the question is answered there. My intention is that the FAQ section will continue to expand whenever
common questions are asked.
Twisting Wind removed from the guide. (Oct 2016)
Updated for patch 7.1 Trinket section removed and reworked. (Dec 2016)
Updated for patch 7.1.5 minor changes (Feb 2017)
Updated for patch 7.2 no changes (Apr 2017)
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................... 1
About this guide ................................................................................................................................................................ 1
The FAQ: ........................................................................................................................................................................ 1
Simple priority ................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Single target: ................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Multiple targets: ........................................................................................................................................................... 3
In-depth concepts ............................................................................................................................................................. 4
Talents ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Predator .................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Bloodscent & Lunar Inspiration ................................................................................................................................ 4
Incarnation: King of the Jungle ................................................................................................................................. 4
Savage Roar ............................................................................................................................................................... 4
Soul of the Forest ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
Sabretooth ................................................................................................................................................................ 4
Jagged Wounds ......................................................................................................................................................... 5
Elune’s Guidance ....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Brutal Slash................................................................................................................................................................ 5
Bloodtalons ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Moment of Clarity ..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Choosing talents ............................................................................................................................................................ 6
Core Feral Mechanics .................................................................................................................................................... 7
Snapshotting ............................................................................................................................................................. 7
Pooling ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Pandemic ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
In-depth rotation .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
FAQ .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Gearing Preraid ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Gearing philosophy ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
Some pieces to look out for (pre-Raid/From M+) ....................................................................................................... 11
Gearing Trinkets ....................................................................................................................................................... 13
Gearing - Artefact ............................................................................................................................................................ 14
Leveling Route ............................................................................................................................................................. 14
Artefact relics .............................................................................................................................................................. 14
This priority explains the simplistic priority; this is a good starting point before adding in interactions that are more
complex. It is important to understand feral is primarily a spec about decision-making, and some talents emphasise
this more than others do. I strongly recommend that players new to feral start out not with the most passive build,
but instead try learning the ropes with medium level of complexity, which allows the easiest transition to other
builds. The talents assumed in this priority list is Blood scent, Incarnation, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons, it’s also
largely correct for several other talent setups, but more on that in the advanced section.
Use Tiger’s Fury when you have low energy as often as possible.
Use Incarnation as often as possible; synchronize with Tiger’s Fury and large damage increases (such as Maalus,
and Gorefiends feast of souls-phase).
Use Healing Touch, whenever you have four or five Combo Points and a Predatory Swiftness proc or you have
2+ combo points, and Ashamane’s Frenzy is available. This will give you two stacks of bloodtalons.
Use Ashamane’s Frenzy, whenever Tiger’s fury is active and you have two Bloodtalons stacks available, and
more than two combo points.
Use Ferocious Bite, whenever you have 5 Combo Points and 50 Energy, and Rip is either more than 10 seconds
from expiring or the boss is below 25% health (as it will then refresh Rip).
Whenever Rip is not up on the target, or it is about to expire refresh it with five combo points.
Cast Rake whenever it is about to expire or have expired.
Cast Shred, when you are about to cap energy and have nothing higher in the priority.
Amend the single target priority by including
When you would normal bite, look if there is another target to put a Rip on instead.
Cast Rake on as many targets as possible, whenever it is about to expire or have expired.
Cast Thrash, whenever it is about to expire or is not on the target.
If you are fighting two or more targets, use Swipe instead of Shred as your filler.
The Predator talent causes you to refresh the cooldown on Tiger’s Fury, whenever a target dies with any of
your bleeds on them. This alters the rotation slightly, whenever there is an opportunity to tag a dying
target with bleed you should take it. In theory, it would overtake the other two talents on single target if you can
proc it two and a half times per minute. Predator has the property of being able to yield very large benefits on fights
where you can solidly get more than two refresh per minute. This is especially true for AoE, where you can easily
spend a very large amount of energy very quickly.
Bloodscent is the single-target talent choice of choice. Lunar Inspiration is still better in almost all
situations on sustained cleave (2-3 targets). While Lunar Inspiration used to be a competitive
choice on single-target, it is no longer so as changes to secondary stats have pushed Bloodscent into a solid lead.
Incarnation enhances your Berserk, turning it into a 30-second long cooldown as well as making your Rake
and Shred act as if they were casted from Stealth. This ability does provide a long burst window at the cost
of a sustained dps loss. With current tuning, Incarnation is roughly 8% behind Savage Roar, which is compensated for
on a long dps increase phase, such as Gorefiends feast of souls. Incarnation also allows you to enter Prowl, which is
occasionally useful to reset bosses or aggro. With Convergence of Fates & Tier 19 set, Incarnation moves a lot closer
to Savage Roar and in practice, only 2-3 percent differ on real fights depending on gear.
Savage Roar is a finishing move that consumes combo points to give you a buff that increases all damage
done. This duration increases for each combo point spent. Unlike in Warlords, SR is now a talent and there
are no longer any way to apply it without spending combo points. Savage Roar amplify all damage, at the cost of
both energy and combo points, which means that it mostly replaces Ferocious Bite (but not completely) in the single
target rotation. Savage Roar is, with currently tuning to be the best talent on its row by a large margin. Savage Roar
is also the best AoE talent, as both of the other finishers are somewhat lacklustre on their own in that regard. An
important details regarding the use of Savage Roar rotationally, which is especially important in combination with
Jagged Wounds, is that the power of SR does not depend on how many combo points you invest into it. That means
that refreshing it with less than five combo points, while “loosing” energy (because you have to cast it more often),
and is usually preferable to letting Rip drop.
SotF makes your finisher moves restore 12 energy per combo point used to cast them, this means that all
your finisher spells will generate energy when used. Soul of the Forest is a sustained damage talent that
helps by smoothing out your rotation and makes it play faster. It is roughly as behind Savage Roar as Incarnation is
but without the burst component. The biggest reason to pick Soul of the Forest is to play an easier (or quicker)
rotation. The biggest trap with Soul of the Forest is that you very easily over cap energy when using finishers, when
you play it you should instead focus on keeping your energy as low as possible by the time you use your finishers
(but for FB, that still means using it with 50 energy). Which is the complete opposite behaviour of most other feral
builds. Soul of the Forest competes better with Savage Roar when you start cleaving multiple targets, and multi-
bleed rip.
Sabretooth extends your Blood in the Water mechanic to any Ferocious Bite cast regardless of the health
of the target. It essentially removes Rip from the rotation after the first cast, as you can easily cast a bite
more often that every 25 seconds. This is purely single-target, or in long sustained multi-bleed scenarios (where it
allows you to refresh rips for 25 energy/1cp as opposed to 35energy /5cp). Currently tuned to be very lack lustre,
and I cannot recommend its use as a generally useful talent outside of the very specific sustained 2&3 target cleave
case, if you are looking for an easier rotation it is probably better to look towards Soul of the Forest first, which
serves the same purpose better.
Jagged Wounds (JW) makes our bleeds tick 33% faster, while doing the same amount of ticks. That means
an increase in bleed damage, at the expense of casting them more often. JW is the default talent on this
tier, as it is useful in most cases and tuned higher than the other talents. The drawback with JW is that short
duration on bleeds also stresses their maintenance, and especially when combined with Savage Roar, can lead to
very resource starved rotation that heavily punishes any mistakes.
Elune’s Guidance (EG) is a 45-second long cooldown that generates five combo points immediately, and
then an additional five over the next 5 seconds. EG has the obvious use case of allowing use of several finishers in
quick succession, this is primarily useful in priority burst situations where you can pre-plan and execute a combo to
put a lot of damage into a small window. This talent lives and dies with Ferocious Bite, which with current tuning is
very weak. The talent is also competent at multi-dotting 2-3 targets as it provides some well-needed combo points
but it still cannot compete with JW completely in those situations.
Brutal Slash (BrS) is an 12-second long cooldown (reduced by haste), three charge ability, which replaces
Swipe with a super-charged version of Swipe. Brutal Slash is a dps gain on Single-Target, where it is a lot
stronger than Shred. If there is no AoE within the next 12 (haste-adjusted) seconds, you want to spend the charges
on Single-Target. This ability can (to a dps increase) be gamed by burning charges into damage increase windows,
such as TF, and trinkets but the intended purpose is primarily AoE. This talent is roughly equal on pure single-target
with MoC, but is far more reliable. If you do not want to play with Bloodtalons, Brutal Slash is a reasonable option. In
order to beat BT you need to do more than ~10% more damage on AoE, which is easily doable on just about any
fight with spawning adds. With the changes in 7.1.5, that reduced the cooldown from 18 to 12 seconds, this is now
the strongest contender for just about any fights with large AoE elements or Mythic+.
Bloodtalons makes your Healing Touches add two stacks of bloodtalons, which increases the next ability by
50%. The correct way to use this talent is to try to get it on your strongest abilities. This means that you
want to use it most of the time on four or five combo points so that you get it on your finisher. Roughly, 10% ahead
of its both competitors on pure single-target but the lead narrows as the number of targets increases. It is worth
noting that Bloodtalons do not apply to Moonfire (from Lunar Inspiration), as it is not a melee ability.
Moment of Clarity enhances Omen of Clarity to give you three stacks instead of one on a proc. It is a talent
with a large variance component attached to it, which unlike rppm effects, is completely random and can
go from feeling very bad when it doesn’t proc for a long period of time and like you are swimming in energy when it
works. With current tuning, the usage for this talent seems slim as it Bloodtalons beats it on Single-Target & Cleave
and by Brutal Slash on AoE and as such I do not consider this talent a viable choice.
What are you dpsing?
Mostly Single-Target
o The Fight is shorter than 70 seconds
Use Blood scent, Incarnation, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons.
o The Fight contains a burst phase longer than 15 seconds
Use Blood scent, Incarnation, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons.
o The Fight contains regular, but insignificant adds
Choose the other talent setup after what fits the situation the best, and replace
the first row talent with Predator if you can reliably get more than three resets
per minute.
o The Fight contains occasional cleave (there is one or multiple alternative targets up at
least 50% of the time)
Use Lunar Inspiration or Blood scent, Soul of the Forest, Jagged Wounds and
o None of the above
Use Blood scent, Savage Roar, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons.
Cleaving multiple targets for a prolonged time
o There are two targets up for most of the fight
Lunar Inspiration, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons. Savage Roar results in slightly
lower damage than Soul of the Forest overall but higher priority damage to
whichever target you prefer.
o There are three targets up for most of the fight
Lunar Inspiration and Bloodtalons. Jagged Wounds & Soul of the Forest is the
easiest and for the most part best build, but the combination of Sabretooth and
Savage Roar is a viable alternative if you prefer that playstyle. Brutal Slash is
comparable to Bloodtalons if you prefer that playstyle.
o There are four targets up for most of the fight
Bloodscent, Soul of the Forest, Jagged Wounds, Brutal Slash.
o There is two targets up roughly 50% of the time or more
Lunar Inspiration, Soul of the Forest, Jagged Wounds, Bloodtalons
o There is two targets less than 50% of the time, follow single-target priority.
AoE A large number of targets
o There are waves of high priority targets regularly with Single-Target phase in between
Blood scent, Savage Roar, Jagged Wounds and Brutal Slash
o There is 6+ targets a reasonably large amount of the time or it’s the highest priority on a
Blood Scent, Soul of the Forest, Jagged Wounds and Brutal Slash
o There is one big AoE phase of utmost importance
Blood Scent, Incarnation, Jagged Wounds and Bloodtalons
Mythic+ - AoE Mixed with single-target
o Most affixes
Predator, Incarnation (With convergence of fates) or Savage Roar, Jagged Wounds
& Brutal Slash.
o High (~12+) Tyrannical and/or Bolstering
Predator, Savage Roar, Jagged Wounds, Bloodtalons
Whenever you apply a bleed, the bleed will remember which damage increases you had whenever you cast it, but
not which stats you have (such as trinket procs, which affect the dots until their duration is over). The damage
increases are “Bloodtalons”, Tiger’s Fury”, “Savage Roar” and “Improved Rake”, of which two are talents. What this
mean in practice is that a dot applied with a stack of bloodtalons will deal 50% increased damage for the reminder of
its duration. It is therefore beneficial to stack these buffs whenever possible. Because of this reason, you should
always apply Rip with an active bloodtalon stack if you have that talent and always have Savage Roar up as well. It is
not generally worth delaying either TF or Rip more than a few ticks to refresh inside TF, but obviously if an
opportunity arise (such as by pooling more or less) it is a definite dps increase.
Snapshotting also apply to the builder bleeds, Rake, being the most relevant one. With Rake the “improved rake”
from casting it with Prowl or from Incarnation is the most relevant one, if possible you want to stack it with other
multipliers. Generally, it is worth replacing a Rake that has half its duration remaining for one with a stronger
snapshot, exact details will depend on tuning & your stats, which is currently in a very volatile space. The most
important aspect of Rake’s snapshotting rules is that you want to refresh it at the very last second of Incarnation (if
you have the talent) to make sure the “improved Rake” buff lasts as long as possible. Less important is that Thrash
snapshots everything, but need three targets before it would take BT priority over a Rake. In addition, since Legion
Moonfire (from Lunar Inspiration) also snapshots Savage Roar & Tiger’s Fury but not Bloodtalons.
Pooling refers to the concept of waiting and let your resources build up before spending them. The benefit is that is
allow you to spend resources more efficiently. As an example, imagine that you have five combo points and 50
energy and Rip has 9 seconds remaining. The correct move in that moment would be Ferocious bite, but if you
instead wait 4 seconds letting your energy “pool” to ~90 energy and it would instead be possible to spend it on the
Rip. Doing this well generally lead to higher uptimes, and is an important concept for maximizing your feral druid,
especially when using resource starved builds like SR/JW. You can also effectively “pool” between all your ability
usages to smooth the rotation out and make it feel more fluid, if you don’t pool between abilities but spam them
immediately when they are available you will end up in a pattern of high intensity for a few seconds and then a long
wait, which make the waiting time feel much worse.
The “Pandemic” mechanic, named after a Warlock passive with the same name that introduced the concept, allow
you to refresh your dots before they expire without losing ticks. As of Legion, all dots with some very rare exceptions
uses this mechanic and it allows you to refresh at less than 30% of the base duration of the dot and the extra time
will roll over to the new dot. There is functionally no difference in casting a dot while it is in its pandemic range
versus when it is completely off the target, so it helps you maintain you dot uptimes by giving you more flexibility.
For clarity, I have included the pandemic timers for the various dots below.
Without Jagged Wounds:
Rip: 7.2 seconds.
Rake & Thrash: 4.5 seconds.
Moonfire: 4.2 seconds.
Savage Roar: 7.2 seconds. (Depending on combo points, this assumes five).
With Jagged Wounds:
Rip: 4.8 seconds
Rake & Thrash: 3 seconds.
The feral rotation is cyclic between generators and finishers. The primary focus of the rotation however is
maximizing our very powerful bleed effects. This rotation describes an efficient way of doing just that. It is important
to note that while I refer to it as a “rotation it is not a strict rotation but more of a dynamic priority system. It is
somewhat important when trying to maximize your feral druid to think a little bit ahead as the hasted decision is
seldom the best one overall.
The rotation is easiest represented by thinking of it as two phases a builder phase and finisher phase.
Finishers are relatively easy to reason about,
Cast Savage Roar (SR) if it is not up, and you have five combo points or there is burst AoE coming within the next
few seconds that you are going to use Brutal Slash for in which case you with as many CP as you have.
For the following three instructions, it is ideally to pool resources before using them (waiting until 90 or so energy
before using them). Exception to the pooling rule is if you have Berserk/Incarnation up, Tiger’s Fury is about to come
off cooldown (within a few seconds) or if you have the Soul of the Forest talent. In addition, if you get a clearcasting
proc it is better to cast SR/Rip immediately. If Rip has fallen off completely from your current target, ignore the
pooling and apply it as quickly as possible.
Cast Rip on as many targets as you can, only ever cast it with five CP refresh it if you would apply it with a stronger
snapshot, or the remaining duration is less than 8 seconds (therefore disregarding pandemic). It is worth casting Rip
on a target if you will get at least four ticks (roughly 5.4 seconds with JW).
Refresh Savage Roar with five combo points if it has less than 7.2 (10.5 with JW) seconds remaining.
Use Ferocious Bite if none of the other conditions applies. If you are in execute range or using Sabretooth use
Ferocious Bite whenever necessary at highest possible combo point/energy amount to refresh rips on as many
targets as you can.
Builders is a little bit more complicated, the base rule for all builders is that you use them whenever you have less
than five combo points,
Refresh Rake if the buff is not on a target (up to five targets), or the dot is in its pandemic range. If you have
Bloodtalons, you want to refresh it as early as with 7 seconds remaining if you would apply it with BT. Exception is if
the current dot was casted from stealth, in which case you should let it run out unless you can apply the next one
from stealth too (mostly from being in Incarnation). If you have Soul of the Forest, you can safely wait until when the
duration is less than five seconds duration because you cycle through to your next builder much quicker. It is worth
multi-dotting rake as long as it would tick once
Refresh Moonfire (up to five targets) if the dot has less than 4.2 seconds remaining, and will tick on the target at
least twice.
Cast Brutal Slash if you have it talented on single-target, if you are about to cap charges and no AoE will happen in
the next recharge duration (so ~15 seconds). If no AoE will happen in multiple recharge durations, it is a s gain to use
multiple charges inside damage increase windows (such as from Tiger’s Fury, or a trinket proc) but in such a case it
would maybe make sense to re-evaluate if Brutal Slash is the right talent.
If nothing else is going on cast Shred.
Healing Touch with Bloodtalons should be case whenever you have Predatory Swiftness active and you either
Have five combo points,
Predatory Swiftness is about to fall off (within a GCD or so),
Have two or three combo points, and Ashamane’s Frenzy is available,
You are at zero combo points and you are going to use Elune’s Guidance,
Alternatively, Rake is about to expire and you have four combo points. (On one or two targets, when it is still feasible
to maintain 100% uptime, do not bother with this on more targets)
It is additionally worth hard casting Healing Touch (swapping out from Cat form and casting it) at five combo points
whenever you have Sabretooth and are about to apply your first Rip in the opener, you can then use Tiger’s Fury or
Dash from caster form to re-enter cat form without causing a global cooldown. As it is vital that you apply a
maximum strength rip (Tiger’s Fury & Bloodtalons) as you will refresh it with Ferocious Bite for the rest of the fight.
Use Tiger’s Fury on cooldown as much as you can, but do not waste energy so make sure to empty your energy bar
beforehand. With a bit of planning you can dump resources quickly beforehand, for example by not pooling as it is
about to come of cooldown.
Use Elune’s Guidance at zero combo points, preparing with eventual Bloodtalons stacks before and pooling at least
50 energy before casting. While Elune’s Guidance should be used close to on cooldown for maximum dps, it is
currently a very underwhelming dps talent and would only be used in situations where you need to maximize your
burst in 3-4 globals a situations, which would mean that you should save it until that moment.
Use Incarnation or Berserk as often as you can, save them for burst phases but try and not waste a full use. The
metric here is Fight length / 3 + 1 uses on a fight, if you do not get that many consider moving the spots you use your
cooldowns for. Remember that sometimes it is worth using them for specific moments even if it would cost you a
use of the course of a fight. Such an example is Gorefiend from HFC, where a damage increase phase starts at 2
minutes where it would be correct to save cooldowns.
Ashamane’s Frenzy should be used as often as possible; if possible, you want to synchronize uses with Tiger’s Fury by
delaying AF. This is largely a factor of fight length weather you would lose a full use by synchronizing. A very rough
rule of thumb is to compare Fight Length / 80 and Fight Length / 90. On any fight length where the whole numbers
are the same, you should synchronize. If you have Bloodtalons, you want to cast Ashamane’s Frenzy with a
Bloodtalons stack at two or three combo points. (So that your next ability will be a finisher and not waste the
Add Thrash on 2 targets, higher priority than other dots at 3+ and higher priority than finishers at 5+ and if you have
BrS it becomes your primary filler at 9+ targets.
Swipe replaces Shred at 3+ targets, Moonfire & Rake at 5+ targets, Ferocious Bite at 6+ and Rip at 8+.
Tier 19:
With Tier 19 4-set bonus, you want to additionally use Thrash instead of Shred when you have clearcasting procs.
Q: Is feral good in Legion (Or variations thereof)
A: Blizzard are always tuning until the very last moment, they can & historically have tuned things in a major fashion
as late as the day before mythic raids release. Any answer to this question is at best an educated guess now.
Q: I have heard that feral is bad (in raids, in Mythic+, for progression), is this true?
A: No. Feral is in a good spot and is a fine choice for just about any form of content.
Q: Is feral still slow/fast in Legion?
A: Much of the feral “fastness” that are currently a thing with set bonuses and seed of creation is still going to be
true in pre-patch. As you level towards 110 however, it will slow down quite a bit again as you replace the set. Be
prepared that if you are playing any level 100 content on the pre-patch, you will still be one of the fastest specs in
the game with an staggering 56 APM but it will certainly slow down compare to that at 110.
As for “is feral slow”, it depends on the context. Feral has a very resource intensive playstyle, and certain build paths
pushes that much harder than others do. We start with more secondary stats in Legion that we did in Warlords,
which should make us start faster compared to that even in the slowest builds. Another recommendation I have for
people that feel like it is slow is to try to stagger your ability usage. Feral, unlike many other specs, do not lose dps by
not using abilities all the time as long as you do not cap energy. The “Always-be-casting” rule does simply not apply
to us. Let some time lapse between ability usage instead of burning all as quickly as you can and it will change the
feel a bit.
What is true for both is that there are talent builds that are significantly faster and builds that are slower in Legion,
so there is some leeway there if you have a strong preference either way.
I will not provide a BiS list; the reason is that loot is a very dynamic beast. Not only are there Warforged and Sockets
that throw constant curve balls, in Legion there is additionally multiple ranks of Warforged including Titanforged (15
or more item level increases) which can cause even a random dungeon from a world quest or heroic dungeon to turn
into a “BiS-level item. Instead, I will provide a few other ways to evaluate gear upgrades.
The easiest way to evaluate gear is probably using stat weights and an in-game add-on like Pawn that calculates the
value of stats on a gear and show you how much a given piece would be an upgrade.
The problem is deciding on these stat weights, as they depend to a very large degree on your current itemization and
what fight type/talent setup you are using. I recommend simulating this (using Simulationcraft.org) yourself
whenever you have changed a few gear pieces to update your personal weights. (A guide is available here:
A more general approach to gear is to calculate stat ratios and then you can just compare “I have more Crit than the
ratio; I need more of something else for the next piece). For Pre-raid gear that means that, you want roughly 4.4
times more Crit than haste, and 30% more of Mastery and Vers than Haste. In terms that are more absolute, you
ideally want to have more than 7k crit rating, and then balance the other ratios at around 2k, with a bias towards
Mastery. As your gear advances past this point, you want to prioritize Mastery. Therefore the start priority looks
something like Crit (until 8k) > Mastery > Crit (over 8k) = Versatility > Haste. All the stats are fine however (the actual
value difference between them is very small) so do not feel too disappointed if you get a piece with suboptimal stats.
The ideal stat distribution for heroic will be more akin to this: 8k critical strike, 1k haste, 7k mastery, 1.1k versatility
when disregarding trinkets. NOTE: These stats do not represent breakpoints, but simply the ratio between the
stats. In addition, it is only perfectly accurate for an average set of heroic gear (~17k sum of secondaries). If you
have a larger total of stat, the numbers change accordingly. They key to take away from this is that you want to
balance your Crit and Mastery but also have a smaller amount of the other stats, all stats are therefore desirable.
In Legion, there are many items with unique effects or smaller set bonuses. I will list a few here that you should keep
special track off, as they will contribute more than other items at similar item level.
Jacin’s Ruse is a set, which consists of Gloves (Guileful Intruder Handguards) & Boots (Tunnel Trudger Footguards). It
has a two set bonus that procs 3000 mastery for 15 seconds with one rppm. It is a very strong set bonus, and these
pieces (that drops in Court of Stars & the Arcway respectively) are something you should ideally aim at getting.
Mythic+ gear can scale all the way up to raid equivalent, so if you can get hold of a decent pair of these they might
be one of the better choices for quite a long while.
Sylvan Maelstrom Amulet is a crafted neck for Druids only. It always come with a socket, as well as a unique equip
effect: “Increase Versatility by 1000 when outdoors”. Emerald Nightmare is an outdoor raid, and this item is
upgradable with Obliterum up to 850. It is a good neck and worth keeping in mind. All jewellery greatly powers up by
having a socket, and for that reason, the crafted one (that has a guaranteed one) can compete very well. In addition,
most of Emerald Nightmare is outdoors. For Jewellery, in general it is important to note that secondary stats
represents the whole value, and item level is not as good of an indication as it is for other pieces.
Journey through Time is a set, which consists of the neck Strand of the Stars and the trinket Chrono Shard. Chrono
Shard has a chance to proc a large amount of haste and a small movement speed increase for 10 seconds on a
1rrpm. The set bonus increases the power of this proc by an additional 1000 haste and 30% movement speed. This
set is fine if you can get hold of it, but Chrono Shard is not an amazing trinket for us and while the set makes it,
decent giving up both a neck (such as the crafted one) and a trinket slot is a pretty tall ask.
Another interesting set is March of the Legion, which consists of a neck (Chain of Scorched Bones) and a ring (Ring of
Looming Menace). The set bonus has a chance to proc additional fire damage when attacking Demons. This is a
potentially strong set, but obviously situational in that it only apply versus demons. The one notable demon boss in
Emerald Nightmare is Xavius, and as such this set is a bit situational but it is worth to keep it in mind, especially at
the higher item level available through Mythic+. There are also a few dungeons featuring demons so for higher
Mythic+ this can also be situationally good.
There is another neck named “Stabilized Energy Pendant” which increase your maximum resource by 5%. It is better
than nothing is, but less interesting than one of the other necks listed above in part because it has a rather sub-
optimal itemization outside of the unique effect.
Jewelled Signet of Melandrus is a ring that increases your auto attack damage by 10%. This is a decent bonus, and
definitely a ring worth equipping. It is not earth shattering but a clearly above average powerful ring.
The crafted jewelcrafting rings also have guaranteed sockets just like necks and have decent stats. If you cannot find
something better, definitely worth using for the perfect stats & socket.
These always have to be simmed as the exact ranking heavily depends on the rest of your gear choices (stats,
legendaries, etc) but this tierlist should provide an indication of what trinkets to even look at.
These trinkets are usually stronger than other choices at the same item level.
Kiljaeden's Burning Wish (although with the caveats from the legendary section)
Nightblooming Frond
Six-feather Fan
Eye of Command
Draught of Souls
These trinkets are usually good choices and can be better than the above situationally or if you get a higher item
Chaos Talisman
Bloodthirsty Instincts
Splinters of Aggronax
Tirathon's Betrayal
Stat sticks (such as Hunger of the Pack, Etheral Urn etc.)
Arcanogolem Digit
Convergence of Fates
Memento of Angerboda
Entwined Elemental Foci
Ok choices, but generally not top of the line choices
Chrono Shard
Nightmare Egg Shell
Tempered Egg Of Serpentix
Unstable Arcanocrystal (Although it's a lot better at 860 than it would be at say 900)
Horn of Valour
The rest is generally quite weak and should usually be avoided
If you are only interested in feral for your off spec the noteworthy talents are 5/6/9. You really badly wants to get
to nine (or 19 trait points) to do decent damage (Going this route will give you 85% of the power in the artefact,
disregarding bonus points at the end)
The basic rule is to compare relics by item level, but modify the item level by the number next to each trait below. It
is the item level of the relic itself that matters, not by how much it increases your artefact.
Razor Fangs - Add 30
Tear the Flesh - Add 35
Ashamane’s Energy – Add 20
Feral Instincts Add 20
Thrashing Claws Add 6 (1 on ST, 10 on AoE)
Feral Power Add 20
Sharpened Claw Add 5 (0 on ST, 10 on AoE)
Powerful Bite Add 0
Attuned to Nature Add 0
Honed Instincts Add 0
I'm cheating a bit here as this is not really a tierlist, but still this describes the various legendaries and when to use
them. Generally speaking, all of these are within 2-3% on single-target, so it works out to be mostly about what
alternative pieces you have (if you have really good gloves but weak rings, it might flip the priority for example)
Previous all-star, now after nerfs relegated to being a roleplayer - it is still solidly the best legendary on 2-3 target
long living cleave and is still alright on Single-Target but is by no means required. It interacts quite poorly in practice
with boots and I'd advice against using both normally.
The new all-star, provided you are using Bloodtalons, there are very few situations where this legendary would be
directly bad. It is however not as strong as people sometimes believe. I'd certainly recommend using it both as it
makes the rotation slightly easier and it's always at worst an alright choice.
Got a minor buff, but is still mostly a situational choice. Really powerful on encounters where you have forced
downtime from the boss for example as it allows you to store (pool) more energy while away from the boss.
Additionally it simplifies cases when you could use a lot of Predator procs and can turn out to a solid dps increase in
those cases.
Very solid trinket, like most stat sticks. Unless you have really good trinkets, it shouldn't be underestimated - the
effect itself is mediocre unless you are on a big aoe fight, but just being a stat stick at a high ilevel makes it a
compelling choice in many situations.
Probably the strongest patchwerk legendary effect, it's effect generating between 2-3% on a normal fight.
Sometimes better (like on Odyn) and sometimes mediocre. The belt itself doesn't have a lot of stats which holds it
back. Never really a bad choice, usually not going to be amazing either. Easy to use as it doesn't change anything for
you and always performs decently. Good choice in a lot of cases.
The strongest legendary by a reasonable margin on fights where you use thrash a lot. Scales really well with targets,
works well with both BrS and BT. You probably want to use it on most fights in Nighthold if you care about
minmaxing your damage output. With T19 it gives you a small dps increase, not really worth using for pure single-
target but it's a nice bonus on a fight with some AoE.
Solid (probably second best for patchwerk) single-target and good for 2-3 target cleave, being legs means it bring a
lot of stats which increases it's relative value a lot compared to the other legendaries. Never really a bad choice, but
can occasionally be a bit awkward to use.
We have a lot of ways to proc it, but the problem with Sephuz is that haste is simply not that valuable to us,
especially not in this proc form. The only legendary I'd actively recommend against.
A big statstick, with a utility effect - Worth including in your Sims as the massive stats makes it competetive in a lot
of cases - the effect itself carries no real dps increase normally so you have to evaluate the utility value of the effect.
Same as Eko-Wraith, very solid statstick - can occasionally be worth it over a dps legendary, and never a horrible
choice, but if you want to use it over something else will usually depend on how you evaluate the survival utility
Decent choice if you don't have 2 other legendaries, but otherwise not amazing. Additionally being in the boot slot is
not a great spot to be as it then ends up competing with Ailuros Pouncers, alright for alts but I'd probably not bother
getting it over something else